Welcome to a quick tutorial on how to create a drag and drop sortable list with HTML and Javascript. Once upon a time in the Dark Ages of the Internet, implementing drag-and-drop is a massive task that involves a lot of coding with 3rd party libraries. But ever since HTML5, it has been made a native feature and we no longer have to fight with digital dragons.
In the simplest design, drag-and-drop in HTML and Javascript only requires:
- Create the draggable items by attaching the draggable property – <div draggable>Drag This</div>
- Define the dropzone – <div id="drop">Drop Here</div>
- Attach a drop listener in Javascript – document.getElementById("drop").addEventListener("drop", function(){ DO SOMETHING });
That covers the basics, but how can we create a sortable list with this? Read on for an example!
<!-- (A) LOAD CSS + JS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sort-list.css"/> <script src="sort-list.js"></script> <!-- (B) THE LIST --> <ul id="sortlist"> <li>First</li> <li>Second</li> <li>Third</li> <li>Forth</li> <li>Fifth</li> </ul> <!-- (C) INIT ON PAGE LOAD --> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ slist("sortlist"); }); </script>
For you guys who just want to use this as a “plugin” without reading the rest of the tutorial:
- A – Load the CSS and Javascript. Doh.
- B – Define the <ul> or <ol> as usual. Take note that this simple example will only work with a flat one-level list.
- C – Use the slist(TARGET) function on window load to initiate the sortable list.
/* (A) LIST STYLES */ .slist { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .slist li { margin: 5px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #333; background: #eaeaea; } /* (B) DRAG-AND-DROP HINT */ .slist li.hint { background: #fea; } .slist li.active { background: #ffd4d4; } /* (X) DOES NOT MATTER */ html, body { font-family: arial, sans-serif; }
These are just some simple cosmetic styles for the sortable list.
- A – The Javascript will attach a .slist class on the container. In this section, we remove the default bullet points and make the list look a little better.
- B – The .hint class is used to highlight the possible dropzones, and .active when the draggable is hovering over the dropzone.
function slist (target) { // (A) GET LIST + ATTACH CSS CLASS target = document.getElementById(target); target.classList.add("slist"); // (B) MAKE ITEMS DRAGGABLE + SORTABLE var items = target.getElementsByTagName("li"), current = null; for (let i of items) { // (B1) ATTACH DRAGGABLE i.draggable = true; // (B2) DRAG START - YELLOW HIGHLIGHT DROPZONES i.addEventListener("dragstart", function (ev) { current = this; for (let it of items) { if (it != current) { it.classList.add("hint"); } } }); // (B3) DRAG ENTER - RED HIGHLIGHT DROPZONE i.addEventListener("dragenter", function (ev) { if (this != current) { this.classList.add("active"); } }); // (B4) DRAG LEAVE - REMOVE RED HIGHLIGHT i.addEventListener("dragleave", function () { this.classList.remove("active"); }); // (B5) DRAG END - REMOVE ALL HIGHLIGHTS i.addEventListener("dragend", function () { for (let it of items) { it.classList.remove("hint"); it.classList.remove("active"); } }); // (B6) DRAG OVER - PREVENT THE DEFAULT "DROP", SO WE CAN DO OUR OWN i.addEventListener("dragover", function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }); // (B7) ON DROP - DO SOMETHING i.addEventListener("drop", function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if (this != current) { let currentpos = 0, droppedpos = 0; for (let it=0; it<items.length; it++) { if (current == items[it]) { currentpos = it; } if (this == items[it]) { droppedpos = it; } } if (currentpos < droppedpos) { this.parentNode.insertBefore(current, this.nextSibling); } else { this.parentNode.insertBefore(current, this); } } }); } }
Right, the Javascript looks like quite a handful at first, but keep calm and study closely.
- A – First, we get the specified <ul> or <ol>. Attach a .slist CSS class to it.
- B – Get all the <li>, attach a whole load of drag-and-drop listeners.
- B1 – Set <li draggable>.
- B2 – On drag start, attach .hint to highlight all the possible drop zones.
- B3 – When the dragged element hovers a dropzone, attach .active to show a different highlight color.
- B4 – When the dragged element leaves a dropzone, detach .active.
- B5 – When the drag stops, remove all .hint and .active CSS classes.
- B6 – Necessary… Prevents the default browser action, so we can define our own.
- B7 – Some Math. Does the actual sorting on dropped.
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