Javascript Prototype原型
Prototypes are the mechanism by which JavaScript objects inherit features from one another.
原型chains work
prototype property can be used to add methods to existing constructors.
JavaScript is often described as a prototype-based language — to provide inheritance, objects can have a prototype object, which acts as a template object that it inherits methods and properties from.
An object's prototype object may also have a prototype object, which it inherits methods and properties from, and so on. This is often referred to as a prototype chain,
and explains why different objects have properties and methods defined on other objects available to them.
原型chains work
prototype property can be used to add methods to existing constructors.
JavaScript is often described as a prototype-based language — to provide inheritance, objects can have a prototype object, which acts as a template object that it inherits methods and properties from.
An object's prototype object may also have a prototype object, which it inherits methods and properties from, and so on. This is often referred to as a prototype chain,
and explains why different objects have properties and methods defined on other objects available to them.
In JavaScript, a link is made between the object instance and its prototype (its __proto__ property, which is derived from the prototype property on the constructor), and the properties and methods are found by walking up the chain of prototypes.
link 通过对象instance和它的prototype()被made, 属性和方法通过prototype chain找到。
Note: It's important to understand that there is a distinction between an object's prototype (available via Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), or via the deprecated __proto__ property) and the prototype property on constructor functions.
注意理解 对象的原型 和 构造函数的原型属性的区别,
Note: It's important to understand that there is a distinction between an object's prototype (available via Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), or via the deprecated __proto__ property) and the prototype property on constructor functions.
注意理解 对象的原型 和 构造函数的原型属性的区别,
a.__proto__ HTMLHeadingElement {Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "HTMLHeadingElement", constructor: ƒ} Object.getPrototypeOf(a); HTMLHeadingElement {Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "HTMLHeadingElement", constructor: ƒ}
The constructor function Foobar() has its own prototype, which can be found by calling Object.getPrototypeOf(Foobar). However this differs from its prototype property, Foobar.prototype, which is the blueprint for instances of this constructor function.
构造函数 他有一个prototype属性, 对象是没有 prototype(属性)的。 对象有__proto__。
构造函数 他有一个prototype属性, 对象是没有 prototype(属性)的。 对象有__proto__。
If we were to create a new instance — let fooInstance = new Foobar() — fooInstance would take its prototype from its constructor function's prototype property. Thus Object.getPrototypeOf(fooInstance) === Foobar.prototype.
let fooInstance = new Foobar()
fooInstance 将获得来自构造函数的prototype 。
Object.getPrototypeOf(fooInstance) === Foobar.prototype
fooInstance.__proto__ === Foobar.prototype
let fooInstance = new Foobar()
fooInstance 将获得来自构造函数的prototype 。
Object.getPrototypeOf(fooInstance) === Foobar.prototype
fooInstance.__proto__ === Foobar.prototype
function Person(first, last, age, gender, interests) { // property and method definitions = { 'first': first, 'last' : last }; this.age = age; this.gender = gender; //...see link in summary above for full definition }
let person1 = new Person('Bob', 'Smith', 32, 'male', ['music', 'skiing']);
person1 --------> Person ---------> Object
inherits from prototype
name 来自 Person
toString\valueOf 来自 Object
What happens if you call a method on person1, which is actually defined on Object.prototype? For example:
inherits from prototype
name 来自 Person
toString\valueOf 来自 Object
What happens if you call a method on person1, which is actually defined on Object.prototype? For example:
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valueOf() returns the value of the object it is called on. In this case, what happens is:
- The browser initially checks to see if the person1 object has a valueOf() method available on it, as defined on its constructor, Person(), and it doesn't.
- So the browser checks to see if the person1's prototype object has a valueOf() method available on it. It doesn't, then the browser checks person1's prototype object's prototype object, and it has. So the method is called, and all is good!
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