


 General Body Movements
 stand up,sit down,walk,stop,turn left,turn right,turn around,walk backwards,jump,hop, bend over,squat,walk 3 steps, 5 steps, etc., face ___ (face me; face the wall, face the door, etc.),lift up your right leg (left leg, right arm, etc.),lower your leg (left leg, right arm, etc.), shake my hand,kiss me (on the cheek!),make a fist,clap your hands,wave。
 Facial things
 smile,cough,laugh,cry,sneeze,open your mouth,close your mouth,stick out your tongue,put your tongue back in,wink,blink,wiggle your nose
 General verbs you can use with objects
 where is, touch,show me,pick up,put down,put it back (return),drop, move,give me (give him),take it back,throw,catch,turn over (flip),put the _____ on (under etc.) the ______,push,pull, lift
 Kitchen table stuff
 cup, plate, bowl, knife,fork,spoon, napkin / tissue, dish,big round serving tray,tray you’d serve tea or coffee on,table,chair
 kitchen stuff
 pan, oven,stove,sink,faucet,counter,cupboard,refrigerator
 basic foods
 flour,sugar,bread,tea leaves,coffee grounds,rice,nuts,yogurt,candy, etc.
 water,milk,juice,soda,yogurt (drinking),coffee,tea
 apple, banana, orange, plum, grapes, fig, dates, raisons, lemon,pomegranate,tomato, cucumber, zucchini, onion, carrot, eggplant, small eggplant,potato, garlic, parsley, lettuce, grape leaves, celery, mint,cabbage, etc.

提高期(Upping the Ante)
 Upping the Ante?这可是第四阶段的词。没办法,Greg Thomson用这个词代表第二阶段,看着喜欢,继续沿用。
 1. 要学会听懂单句子,建立整句的英文思维;
 2. 达到能听懂简单的,可能是慢语速的整段英文;
 3. 在提高期后期开始尝试简单“说”英语,实现简单沟通;
 4. 开始引入阅读材料(不是学习如何阅读);
阅读量: 1459