what can i bring for you on this glorious afternoon?
You're gonna bring us two Absolut Martinis.
How else would you do this job? Cocaine and hookers, my friend.
Your only responsibilety is to put meat on the table.
Her name is Teresa. She cuts hair. But if you make your clients money at the same time, it's advantageous to everyone. Correct?
stay with me. We don't create shit. We don't build anything. No. So if you got a client who bought stock at 8, it now sits at 16, he'is all fucking happy. He wants to cash in, liquidate, take his money and run home.
You get another brilliant idea. A special idea. Another "situation" . Another stock to reinvest his earnings and then some. And he will, every single time. 'Cause they're fucking addicted. 瘾君子。
There's two keys to success in the boker business: 1. You gotta stay relaxed. 2. keep you sharp between the ears. it'll help your fingers dial faster. That's good for me.
I want to. That's not why I do it. I do it 'cause I need to.
Think about it . You're dealing with numbers. All day long, decimal points, high frequencies. ....Fucking digits. All very acidic above-the-shoulders mustard shit. It kind of wigs some people out. Right. You got to feed the geese to keep the blood flowing.
I've seen this happen, implode. I'm in it for the long run, you know.
Revolutions. You follow? Keep the clients on the Ferris wheel. The park is open 24/7, 365. every decade, every goddamn century.
The name of the game. 这就是游戏规则。
We're the common denominator. 公分母 公分母定义:几个分数的分母如果都相同.叫做同分母,这个分母叫做这几个分数的公分母。 例如:1/3,1/4,1/10这三个分数的公分母可能是60,120,180,……。 这60,120,180,……就是这三个分数分母的公倍数。 由于几个数的公倍数是无限多个,所以,几个异分母分数的公分母也是无限多个。 几个同分母分数,它们的分母也叫做这几个数的公分母。
You're not pawning anything.
Stock Clerk 商店职员 fine wines and liquors
-Quotrons? - Yeah. Your computers. Noun. Quotron ( plural Quotrons ) ( computing, finance) A computer system or service that provides stock market quotations. Retrieved from " https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Quotron&oldid=51851779 ". Categories: English words suffixed with -tron. English lemmas.
stli t 是爆破音, 后面带一个 l 舌边音 爆破音[t]和[d]+舌边音[l] 爆破音[t]和[d]后面紧跟舌边音[l],则必须由舌两边爆破,这种情况多发生在词尾。爆破音爆破音[t]和[d]后面紧跟清晰舌边[l],则为不完全爆破。
Postman, there'is always postman . Plumbers. They see our ads in the back of Hustler and Popular Mechanics. Our ads actually say they can get rich quick. 我们广告写着能快速致富。
You know, those girlie magazines. Nudie mag
We're helping them finance houses, we're helping them buy their wife a diamond ring... a boat maybe. 帮那些杂志杂志买房买钻戒买船等,然后让这些杂志给他们放点广告。
Is this stuff regulated or are you guys... What are you doing here? sort of.
Jesus Christ, the spread on these is huge.
What do you get on that blue chip stock?
blue chip 蓝色的筹码 chip 有切,有薯条,筹码等各种意思,可能主要还是切衍生出来的意思,因为东西大而不方便使用,就chip成小块的,切下来的东西也成了chip.