panel interview可不是面板面试|BEC口语样题|每日一词

BEC口试Part1 interview 样题
When interviewing candidates, which do you prefer, traditional one-to-one interview or panel interview? 
开放式的问题难度不大,支持或者反对任何一种选择,言之有理即可。因此,这题的坑仅在于别搞错panel interview的意思. 这里不是我们常说的“若干个求职者为一组”的“小组面试”,而是:
A panel interview is when two or more interviewers interview you at the same time. 
参照下图,便一目了然。1名求职者 VS 若干名面试官

——I prefer the panel interview, because decision made by three to five interviewers can avoid bias and discrimination and thus be more reliable and acceptable. In addition, the panel interview can be more efficient by shortening decision time. 
——I prefer the traditional one-to-one interview, especially for small companies, because it can reduce recruiting costs. In my opinion, the number of interviewers isn't as important as the capability, personality and experience of an interviewer. 

牛津:a square or rectangular piece of wood, glass or metal that forms part of a larger surface such as a door or wall
solar panel太阳能板
One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked. 前门的一块方玻璃破裂了。

(图为飞行模拟器面板:flight simulator panel)
牛津:a flat board in a vehicle or on a piece of machinery where the controls and instruments are fixed
an instrument panel 仪表盘
牛津:a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about sth; a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio
a panel of experts 专家组

1.  控制╱显示面板
2.  他集结了一个学者小组为他出谋划策。
1.  a control/display panel
2.  He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him.
Stay tuned 