
牛津:what happens or appears if you do not make any other choice or change
The default option is to save your work every five minutes. 默认设置为每五分钟存盘一次。
【释义2】 违约(尤指未偿付债务),v/n
牛津:[n] failure to do sth that must be done by law, especially paying a debt
柯林斯:[v] If a person, company, or country defaults on something that they have legally agreed to do, such as paying some money or doing a piece of work before a particular time, they fail to do it.
The company is in default on the loan. 这家公司拖欠借款。
The credit card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans. 信用卡生意正在走下坡路,更多的借贷人不履行还贷责任。
1.  视窗浏览器上的默认系统设定不显示这些文档。
2.  按揭借款违约在近一年里呈上升趋势。
3.  该公司可能会被指控违反了与政府签订的合同。
1.  The default setting on Windows Explorer will not show these files.
2.  Mortgage defaults have risen in the last year.
3. The corporation may be charged with default on its contract with the government.