140组考研英语同义词 | 罪:Sin,Wrong,Misdeed,Crime,Guilt


🚩sin有“宗教方面的含义,指任何宗教教义明确禁止的行为,罪过,罪孽”,柯林斯解释为Sin or a sin is an action or type of behaviour which is believed to break the laws of God.。
The Vatican's teaching on abortion is clear: it is a sin...罗马教廷对堕胎的教义非常清楚:这是罪过。
Was it the sin of pride to have believed too much in themselves?他们过分自信,这是否犯了骄纵之罪?
🚩wrong指“不公平的行为,不道德的行为”,柯林斯解释为A wrong is an unfair or immoral action.。
I intend to right that wrong...我打算纠正那个错误。
The insurance company should not be held liable for the wrongs of one of its agents.保险公司不应该为其中一名保险代理所犯的错误负责。
🚩misdeed指“不端行为,恶行”,柯林斯解释为A misdeed is a bad or evil act.。misdeed与wrong的区别在于,wrong指“给某人以伤害”,而misdeed“所暗示的不当行为不一定就会伤害他人”,misdeed用法文雅且正式。
punished for one's many misdeeds 因多行不义受惩罚
the alleged financial misdeeds of his government人们所指控的他的政府在财政方面的失误政策
🚩crime指“违反法律,犯罪活动,犯罪行为”,柯林斯解释为A crime is an illegal action or activity for which a person can be punished by law.。它还可以指“严重的错误”,通常用单数,带有贬义,柯林斯解释为If you say that doing something is a crime, you think it is very wrong or a serious mistake.。
He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene of the crime...他和卡西迪中尉正在勘查犯罪现场。
Mr Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger to the public...斯蒂尔先生没有犯罪,并未对公众构成危害。
A language is a finely tuned instrument which it is a crime to damage.语言是一种精心调试的乐器,破坏它就是一种罪过。
🚩guilt是指“内疚,觉得自己做错了的负罪感,悔恨”,柯林斯解释为Guilt is an unhappy feeling that you have because you have done something wrong or think that you have done something wrong.。它也指“犯罪,有罪”,不过暗含的意思是“需要证实确定”,柯林斯解释为Guilt is the fact that you have done something wrong or illegal.。
Her emotions had ranged from anger to guilt in the space of a few seconds.几秒钟的时间里,她经历了从愤怒到内疚的情感变化。
Some cancer patients experience strong feelings of guilt.一些癌症病人懊悔不已。
The trial is concerned only with the determination of guilt according to criminal law.依照刑法规定,审判仅涉及定罪。
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