140组英语同义词 | 一系列:Succession,Chain,Progression,Sequence,Series


🚩succession是指“类似的事物或者事件一个接一个,在时间上相继出现,或者空间上经过人为排列,没有中断”,柯林斯解释为A succession of things of the same kind is a number of them that exist or happen one after the other.。
a succession of wet days, defeats, poor leaders 一个接一个的阴雨天、失败、不称职的领导人
Adams took a succession of jobs which have stood him in good stead...亚当斯连着做过几份让他颇为受益的工作。
Scoring three goals in quick succession, he made it 10-8...在短短的时间内他连进三球,最终以 10 比 8 取胜。
🚩chain本义是“链子,链条”,引申为“像链条一样,在逻辑上或者因果关系上相互影响而构成的一连串事情,一系列相关的事物”,柯林斯解释为A chain of events is a series of them happening one after another.。
a chain of mountains连绵的山
a chain of circumstances, events, ideas 一系列的情况、事件、意见.
the bizarre chain of events that led to his departure in January 1938促使他于1938年1月离去的一连串离奇事件
🚩progression本义是“演变,发展,进展”,也可以指“一连串事件,一系列,连续”,暗含的意思是“事物动态发展在一定时期按照一定方式逐渐连续进行,可能有间隔或者因果关系,也可能没有”,柯林斯解释为A progression of things is a number of things which come one after the other.。
a progression of habitats from dry meadows through marshes to open water从干燥的草地到沼泽地再到开阔的水面的一系列栖息地
🚩sequence是“有比较紧密的因果或者逻辑关系的一连串,尤其按照一定顺序排列的一系列事件或者事物”,柯林斯解释为A sequence of events or things is a number of events or things that come one after another in a particular order.。
the sequence of events which led to the murder导致谋杀发生的一连串事件
a dazzling sequence of novels by John Updike.约翰·厄普代克令人惊叹的系列小说
🚩series是“一些事物按照类似的性质或者相同的关系排列,表示的是有关联事物的单独性,不强调事物的因果或者顺序关系”,柯林斯解释为A series of things or events is a number of them that come one after the other.。
a series of meetings with students and political leaders.与学生和政治领袖的一系列会面
a series of explosions.一连串的爆炸事件
🚩string是“同样质量、大小的东西,或者相同特点的事情连接成一串,一排,一行,一列;强调事物紧密相连,不强调连接的关系”,柯林斯解释为A string of things is a number of them on a piece of string, thread, or wire.,即“一串”;或者A string of places or objects is a number of them that form a line.,即“一行,一列,一排”;或者A string of similar events is a series of them that happen one after the other.,即“一系列,一连串类似事件”。
She wore a string of pearls around her neck.她脖子上戴着一串珍珠。
a string of fairy lights一串圣诞树小彩灯
The landscape is broken only by a string of villages...这片风景中只有一排村庄。
The incident was the latest in a string of attacks...这是一连串袭击事件中最近的一起。
Between 1940 and 1943 he had a string of 62 consecutive victories.他在 1940 年至 1943 年间连续 62 次获胜。
🚩train是指“人或动物在行进中的长串队列”,柯林斯解释为A train of vehicles, people, or animals is a long line of them travelling slowly in the same direction.。它也可以指“一系列的思想、想法、事件;暗示有一定因果、逻辑、顺序关系”,柯林斯解释为A train of thought or a train of events is a connected sequence, in which each thought or event seems to occur naturally or logically as a result of the previous one.。
In the old days this used to be done with a baggage train of camels.在过去,这往往由一队驮载行李的骆驼完成。
a long train of oil tankers一长队油轮
He lost his train of thought for a moment, then recovered it...他一时思维短路,然后又重新想了起来。
Giles set in motion a train of events which would culminate in tragedy.贾尔斯触发了随后的一系列事件,这些事件最终将以悲剧收场。
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