140组考研英语同义词 | 总量:Sum,Amount,Aggregate,Total,Whole


🚩sum是“数字相加的结果”,柯林斯解释为In mathematics, the sum of two numbers is the number that is obtained when they are added together.。它还可指“全部,所有”,柯林斯解释为The sum of something is all of it.。这两个意义都习惯用单数名词。
The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.三角形内角总和为 180 度。
'Public opinion' is only the sum of the views of thousands of people like yourself.“舆论”只是所有像你一样的成千上万人的意见的总和。
The sum of evidence points to the crime resting on them.所有证据都表明该犯罪乃他们所为。
Has it, in its 30 years, added much to the sum of human happiness?30 年来,它为人类带来了更多幸福吗?
🚩amount通常指“不可计数或者不必计数的事物的数、量的累计结果”,柯林斯解释为The amount of something is how much there is, or how much you have, need, or get.。
He needs that amount of money to survive.他需要那样一笔钱以生存下去。
I still do a certain amount of work for them.我仍然为他们做一些工作。
Postal money orders are available in amounts up to $700.邮政汇票的金额最高可达700美元。
🚩aggregate是指“人或者事物的集合,集合体,即用数字或者把人或事物的单独个体结合起来作为整体和总量考虑而得到的结果”,柯林斯解释为An aggregate is a number of people or things that are being considered as a single thing.。用法比较正式。
society viewed as an aggregate of individuals被看成个体集合的社会
Expenses are deductible only to the extent that in aggregate they exceed 7 percent of gross income.只有在消费总额超过总收入的7%时才可免税。
🚩total是指“一系列或不同类别数字的综合,强调完整性和概括性,常常指大数量”,柯林斯解释为A total is the number that you get when you add several numbers together or when you count how many things there are in a group.。
The companies have a total of 1,776 employees.这些公司总计有 1,776 名员工。
🚩whole侧重“指各个部分总和,是几个不同部分的整体,强调整体性和统一性”,它与total意思最为接近,柯林斯解释为A whole is a single thing which contains several different parts.。
An atom itself is a complete whole, with its electrons, protons and neutrons and other elements.一个原子本身就是一个完整的整体,包括电子、质子、中子及其他元素。
Taken as a percentage of the whole, the mouth has to be a fairly minor body part.和全身比起来,嘴可算是身体中较小的一部分。
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