140组考研英语同义词 |乱:Untidy,Messy,Disordered,Jumbled


🚩untidy主要是英式英语的用法,它“形容某物,不整齐的,凌乱的”,柯林斯解释为If you describe something as untidy, you mean that it is not neat or well arranged.。它也可以“形容人,不修边幅的,不整洁的”,柯林斯解释为If you describe a person as untidy, you mean that they do not care about whether things are neat and well arranged, for example in their house.。
an untidy desk, kitchen, cupboard凌乱的书桌、厨房、橱柜
untidy hair, writing 蓬乱的头发、潦草的字迹
He's an untidy worker; he leaves his tools everywhere. 他干活儿毫无条理, 工具随处乱扔。
🚩messy属于非正式用法,在美式英语中使用最多,意思是“不整洁的,凌乱的”。柯林斯解释为Something that is messy is dirty or untidy.,即“形容某物,凌乱的,混乱的,肮脏的”。
Dad cooks when Mum is busy, he makes me clean up my messy room.妈妈忙的时候爸爸做饭,他还让我清理我乱糟糟的房间。
Don't worry if this first coat of paint looks messy.如果这第一层油漆看上去很脏的话,不用担心。
在英式英语中,messy表示的意思更多的是“肮脏的”。柯林斯的解释为A messy person or activity makes things dirty or untidy.,即“形容人及其活动,邋遢的,弄脏的”。
She was a good, if messy, cook.尽管不爱干净,她还是个好厨子。
As the work tends to be a bit messy you'll need to wear old clothes.这个活儿有点脏,你需要穿旧衣服。
messy还可以形容“局面混乱而复杂,棘手的,难以应付的”,柯林斯解释为If you describe a situation as messy, you are emphasizing that it is confused or complicated, and therefore unsatisfactory.。
John had been through a messy divorce himself.约翰自己也经历过一次十分棘手的离婚。
Life is a messy and tangled business.生活就是一件既混乱又复杂的事情。
🚩disordered用法非常正式,是指“无序的,杂乱的,暗含的意思是没有整理好而混乱”,柯林斯解释为If you describe something as disordered, you mean it is untidy and is not neatly arranged.。它也可以指“精神失调,错乱,不正常,有精神病的”,柯林斯解释为Someone who is mentally disordered or who has a disordered mind is mentally ill.。
Moretti ran a hand through his disordered red hair.莫雷蒂用手理了理他那一头凌乱的红发。
a disordered heap of mossy branches.一堆杂乱的长满苔藓的树枝
agencies working with mentally disordered offenders帮助患有心理障碍的罪犯的社会机构
🚩jumbled用来“形容事物或者想法,混在一起的,没有顺序的”,柯林斯解释为If you describe things or ideas as jumbled, you mean that they are mixed up and not in order.。
These jumbled priorities should be no cause for surprise.这些乱七八糟的需优先考虑的事项没有什么可惊讶的。
The Judaeo-Christian tradition is diverse, jumbled, contradictory, at every point inviting inquiry and debate.犹太-基督教传统呈现多样化,混乱复杂,相互矛盾,在各个方面都会引发质疑和争论。
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