140组考研英语同义词 | 观点、看法:View,Opinion,Point,Belief,Idea


The world,Earth,The globe,The planet
🚩the world用单数名词,加定冠词the,有两层含义。可以表示“我们所居住的地球,世界”,柯林斯解释为The world is the planet that we live on.。
It's a beautiful part of the world.这是世界上很美的一个地区。
More than anything, I'd like to drive around the world.我最想做的事是开车周游世界。
The satellite enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.卫星使我们能够计算出他们在世界上任何地方的精确位置。
它还可以表示“人类,社会,生活,即居住在地上上的所有人以及我们这个社会和生活方式”,柯林斯解释为The world refers to all the people who live on this planet, and our societies, institutions, and ways of life.。
He wants to show the world that anyone can learn to be an ambassador.他想向世人表明任何人都能通过学习而成为一名大使。
his personal contribution to world history他个人对世界历史的贡献
inflationary pressures in the world economy世界经济的通货膨胀压力
🚩earth,也可以是the earth,单数,加或者不加定冠词都可以;还可以用大写Earth,the Earth,是“地球,指人类居住的星球”。柯林斯解释为Earth or the Earth is the planet on which we live. People usually say Earth when they are referring to the planet as part of the universe, and the Earth when they are talking about the planet as the place where we live.,即“表示宇宙组成部分时候,更常用Earth;指人类居住的星球,更常用the Earth”。
⭐the world和the earth表示“人类居住的世界”,常常可以通用,如I must be the happiest person in the world/ on the earth!。但是,the world表示仅仅与地球上的事物相关,与地球以外的事情没有关系。earth常常还可以指相对于其他行星或太空的地球,或者相对于上天的大地,比如world peace是“世界和平”,而peace on earth是“上帝赐予大地的安宁”。
The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to earth today. “亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机今天安全返回地球。
a fault in the Earth's crust地壳断层
🚩the globe用单数,加定冠词,表示“地球,世界,尤其强调世界之大或者某事在许多地区都发生”,柯林斯解释为You can refer to the world as the globe when you are emphasizing how big it is or that something happens in many different parts of it.。
bottles of beer from every corner of the globe来自世界各个角落的一瓶瓶啤酒
70% of our globe's surface is water地球表面70%的地方覆盖着水。
🚩the planet用单数,加定冠词,表示“地球,世界,尤其用来谈论环境问题”,朗文词典解释为the worl—used especially when talking about the environment。
South East Asia has emerged as a key arena in the battle to save the planet.东南亚已经成为保护地球环境的主战场。
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