唐静140组英语同义词 | 管道:Pipe,Tube,Pipeline,Duct,Main


🚩pipe柯林斯解释为A pipe is a long, round, hollow object, usually made of metal or plastic, through which a liquid or gas can flow.,它通常是指“金属或者塑料的管子”,并且强调它是“用来输送液体或者气体的”。pipe也常常用来构成合成词。如:
a water-pipe 水管
a gas-pipe 燃气管
a drain-pipe 排水管
They had accidentally damaged a gas pipe while drilling.打钻时,他们不小心钻破了一根燃气管道。
🚩tube则是“金属、玻璃、或橡胶等材料的管,管子,筒子”,柯林斯解释为A tube is a long hollow object that is usually round, like a pipe.。tube与pipe的区别在于,tube强调管子的长、窄、空的形状,pipe要比tube长、粗、硬。如:
laboratory test-tubes 实验室的试管
an inner tube内胎
Blood flowed along the tube into the bottle. 血液沿管子流入瓶中。

🚩pipeline是指“埋在地下的,长距离输送石油或者燃气的管道,管线”,柯林斯解释为A pipeline is a large pipe which is used for carrying oil or gas over a long distance, often underground.。如:
A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.一家财团计划建造一条从俄罗斯向德国东部输送天然气的管道。
🚩duct是“传送液体、气体,或者容纳电缆的管子,管道”,尤其指“空调系统中的输气管”,柯林斯解释为A duct is a pipe, tube, or channel which carries a liquid or gas.。
a big air duct in the ceiling天花板上巨大的通风管道
One of the air-ducts has become blocked. 有一条输气管堵塞了。
🚩main是“通往建筑物的主管道,自来水、煤气等的总管道,输电干线;建筑物的污水总管道”,柯林斯解释为The mains are the pipes which supply gas or water to buildings, or which take sewage away from them.。
a burst water main 爆裂的自来水总管道
The gas main exploded and set fire to the house. 煤气总管爆炸引起房子失火。
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