140组英语同义词 | 可喜的:Pleasant,Pleased,Pleasing,Agreeable


🚩pleasant既可以指物,是“令人愉快的,舒适的,合意的”;也可以指人,是“友好的,可亲的,讨人喜欢的”。柯林斯分别解释为Something that is pleasant is nice, enjoyable, or attractive.;和Someone who is pleasant is friendly and likeable.。
a pleasant surprise, smell, wine 惊喜、令人舒服的气味、可口的葡萄酒
a pleasant breeze, temperature, climate 宜人的微风、温度、气候
a pleasant smile, voice, manner 友好的微笑、声音、举止
The woman had a pleasant face...这位女士面相和善。
Lloyd George was most anxious to be agreeable and pleasant.劳埃德·乔治极力想表现得平易近人、和蔼亲切。
🚩pleased只能形容人,表示“满意的,高兴的,欣喜的,愉快的”,柯林斯解释为If you are pleased, you are happy about something or satisfied with something.。
Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion.费莉西蒂好像对这个建议很满意。
Your mother will be very pleased with you. 你母亲将对你十分满意。
I think he's going to be pleased that we identified the real problems...

🚩pleasing只能形容事物,表示“令人愉快的,使人满意的”,柯林斯解释为Something that is pleasing gives you pleasure and satisfaction.。
a pleasing colour scheme, singing voice 协调的颜色、悦耳的歌喉
The news was very pleasing to us. 那消息使我们非常愉快。
This area of France has a pleasing climate in August...法国的这一地区在8月份气候宜人。
Such a view is pleasing.这样的景色令人心旷神怡。
🚩agreeable既可以指物,是“令人愉快的,宜人的”;也可以指人,是“亲切,友善的,讨人喜欢的”。柯林斯分别解释为If something is agreeable, it is pleasant and you enjoy it.;和If someone is agreeable, they are pleasant and try to please people.。agreeable与pleasant意思最为接近,区别在于agreeable更多用于书面语中,它含有agree这层含义,强调“符合某人的愿望或者喜好而感觉愉快,合意”。
agreeable weather 宜人的天气
agreeable company 合得来的同伴
I found him most agreeable. 我觉得他极易相处。
I've gone out of my way to be agreeable to his friends.我已然特意地去讨好他的朋友们。
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