140组英语同义词 | 担保:Pledge,Bond,Collateral,Guarantee,Security


🚩pledge主要指“承诺,誓言”,柯林斯解释为When someone makes a pledge, they make a serious promise that they will do something.。不过根据牛津词典,它也可指“留给别人,典当给别人的典当物”,或者“定情的信物”。
The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.会议以承诺加快这一地区六国间的合作而结束。
a £1.1m pledge of support from the Spanish ministry of culture来自西班牙文化部110万英镑的资助许诺
🚩bond是“具有法律效力的书面协定,契约,合同,票据”,牛津词典解释为written agreement or promise that has legal force; covenant。它也指“将人或团体联合起来的事物,联系的关系”,牛津词典解释为thing that unites people or groups; link or tie。
We entered into a solemn bond. 我们缔结了一项正式协定。
The experience created a very special bond between us.这种经历使我们之间产生了一种很特殊的关系。
🚩collateral有时候也写作collateral security,它主要是指“贷款的抵押物,担保金”,柯林斯解释为Collateral is money or property which is used as a guarantee that someone will repay a loan.。
Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans...很多人把个人财产用作小额商业贷款的抵押品。
Most people here cannot borrow from banks because they lack collateral.由于拿不出东西作为抵押,这里大部分人无法从银行贷款。
🚩guarantee主要意思是“交易的保证,保证书,保修单”,柯林斯解释为A guarantee is a written promise by a company to replace or repair a product free of charge if it has any faults within a particular time.。它也有“一个为另一个做出的担保”,即Something that is a guarantee of something else makes it certain that it will happen or that it is true.;或者“为了表示承诺你做到某一件事情而给出的担保金,担保物,抵押品”,柯林斯解释为A guarantee is money or something valuable which you give to someone to show that you will do what you have promised.。
Whatever a guarantee says, when something goes wrong, you can still claim your rights from the shop.不论保修单如何规定,若商品出了问题,消费者仍然可以去商店维护自身权益。
A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality.公司悠久的品牌并不能确保商品的质量。
Males between 18 and 20 had to leave a deposit as a guarantee of returning to do their military service.18至20岁的男性必须缴纳一笔保证金,作为回来服兵役的担保。
🚩security是“借钱的抵押品”,柯林斯解释为If something is security for a loan, you promise to give that thing to the person who lends you money, if you fail to pay the money back.。
The central bank will provide special loans, and the banks will pledge the land as security.中央银行会提供特殊贷款,而这些银行会以土地作为抵押。
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