140组英语同义词 | 贫穷的:Poor,Needy,Impoverished,Deprived,Disadvantaged


🚩poor是最常用的词,可以表示“自己、个人、群体、国家、地区等的贫穷”,牛津词典解释为having very little money with which to buy one's basic needs。
The reason our schools cannot afford better teachers is because people here are poor.我们的学校请不起好老师的原因是因为这里的人穷。
Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been. 很多第三世界国家仍和过去一样穷困。
🚩needy多用来描述“群体的贫苦,缺乏如食物、住所等生活必需品的”,而不用来描述“自己或个人”。柯林斯解释为Needy people do not have enough food, medicine, or clothing, or adequate houses.。
a needy family 贫穷的家庭
help the poor and needy 帮助贫穷的人

🚩impoverished尤其用于新闻报道中,形容“贫困国家及那里的居民”。它的应为解释为reduced to poverty, very poor。如果要表示富裕国家中的贫困的确,用deprived。
an elderly impoverished writer 穷困的老作家
Thousands of impoverished peasants are desperate to move to cities.数以千计的贫困农民渴望移居城市。
🚩deprived主要强调“没有充分的食物、住房、医疗等生活必需,缺乏教育,生存条件差”。柯林斯解释为Deprived people or people from deprived areas do not have the things that people consider to be essential in life, for example acceptable living conditions or education.。
a deprived childhood, background, area 贫苦的童年、出身、地区
probably the most severely deprived children in the country可能是这个国家里最贫困的儿童
The poorest and most deprived people will receive special government help. 最穷的、生活条件最差的人可得到政府的特别援助。
🚩disadvantaged强调“缺少赚钱、受教育和创造美好生活的机会,社会地位低下的”。柯林斯解释为People who are disadvantaged or live in disadvantaged areas live in bad conditions and tend not to get a good education or have a reasonable standard of living.。
the educational problems of disadvantaged children贫困儿童的教育问题
The centre aims to help disadvantaged areas of Europe, mainly by fostering new businesses. 该中心旨在帮助欧洲的贫困地区,方法主要是通过扶持新型商业。
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