140组英语同义词 | 压力:Pressure,Strain,Stress,Tension


🚩pressure是“某事物带来的压力或者影响力”,柯林斯解释为If you are experiencing pressure, you feel that you must do a lot of tasks or make a lot of decisions in very little time, or that people expect a lot from you.,即“因为短时间要做的事情太多,背负的期望太大,让人感到很焦虑的生活方式”。
Can you work under pressure?你能在压力下工作吗?
The pressures of city life forced him to move to the country. 都市生活的艰难迫使他迁往乡村。
She left home to escape the pressure to conform to her family's way of life. 她离家出走以求摆脱她家生活方式对她的束缚。
🚩strain本义是“拉紧,拉力,张力”,这种力量有可能带来损害,它引申为“压力”,有两层含义。其一是“对智力、体力、财力、能力等的严格要求; 负担; 压力”,牛津词典解释为severe demand on one's mental or physical strength, resources, abilities, etc.;其二是“这种压力带来的结果,因压力产生的焦虑,紧张,心力交瘁”。
Paying all the bills is a strain on my resources. 支付所有这些费用是我经济上的一大负担。
He finds his new job a real strain. 他觉得新的工作的确很紧张。
the stresses and strains of a busy and demanding career.忙碌而辛苦的工作带来的压力和紧张

🚩stress是指“困难环境或者精神上、肉体上的痛苦引起的心理负担,忧虑,紧张”,柯林斯解释为If you feel under stress, you feel worried and tense because of difficulties in your life.。
in times of stress在困难时期
a wide range of stress-related problems与精神压力有关的一系列问题
Katy could think clearly when not under stress. 在没有精神压力的情况下凯蒂思路清晰。
Of course, the British will suffer such daily stresses patiently. 当然,英国人将会耐心地承受这些日常压力。
🚩tension是“心理、情绪或神经方面的紧张”,牛津词典解释为mental, emotional or nervous strain; tenseness。它也可以指“心情紧张的状态,人或团体之间的关系紧张状态”,即condition when feelings are tense or relations between people, groups, etc. are strained。
Tension is a major cause of heart disease. 精神紧张是引起心脏病的主要原因。
racial/political/social tension(s) 种族间的、政治上的、社会生活中的紧张状态
The incident has further increased the tension between the two countries. 该事件导致两国关系更趋紧张。
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