140组考研英语同义词 | 安静的:Quiet,Peaceful,Silent,Tranquil,Calm


🚩quiet指人或物,意思是“发出很轻微声音的”,柯林斯解释为Someone or something that is quiet makes only a small amount of noise.。
Tania kept the children reasonably quiet and contented... 塔妮娅把孩子们哄得安安静静而又心满意足。
A quiet murmur passed through the classroom.一阵悄悄的低语声传遍了整个教室。
The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft. 航空公司投入了大笔资金购买噪音较小的新型飞机。
🚩quiet指地方,意思是“几乎没有什么声音的,寂静的,清净的”,柯林斯解释为If a place is quiet, there is very little noise there.。
She was received in a small, quiet office.她在一个安静的小办公室里受到接待。
The roads are usually quiet in the afternoon.下午路面通常很清静。
🚩quiet指“地方、环境、时光等则是无波动的,安宁的,不受到干扰的”,柯林斯解释为If a place, situation, or time is quiet, there is no excitement, activity, or trouble.。
lead a quiet life 过着平淡的生活
have a quiet smoke 悠闲地吸着烟
have a quiet evening at home 在家度过恬静的夜晚
🚩peaceful可以用来指地方或者时光,意思“宁静的,平静的,无人打扰的”,柯林斯解释为A peaceful place or time is quiet, calm, and free from disturbance.;它也可以用来形容人或者动物,一般作表语,搭配feel peaceful或look peaceful,意思是“安详的,无忧的”柯林斯解释为Someone who feels or looks peaceful feels or looks calm and free from worry.。
a peaceful evening, scene, death 宁静的黄昏、静谧 的景色、安祥的死亡
peaceful sleep 安宁的睡眠
I feel relaxed and peaceful... 我感到放松而平和。
The animals look peaceful and happy. 那些动物看起来气定神闲,怡然自得。
🚩silent指人,意思是“沉默寡言的,不说话的”,牛津词典解释为not speaking; making no spoken or written comments; saying little。它还可以指某一个地方,是“安静的”,或者某一事物,是“不出声的,没有任何声音的”,牛津词典解释为making no or little sound; not accompanied by any sound。
with silent footsteps 脚步轻轻地
the smooth, silent running of the engine 发动机顺畅而静静的运转
🚩tranquil用法比较正式,常用在书面语种,指某一地方“恬静的,静谧的”,或者某一事物“安静的”。柯林斯解释为Something that is tranquil is calm and peaceful.。
lead a tranquil life in the country 在乡间过着宁静的生活
The tranquil atmosphere of The Connaught allows guests to feel totally at home.康诺特酒店的宁静氛围让客人完全找到了宾至如归的感觉。
🚩calm形容人,意思是“镇定的,镇静的,冷静的”,柯林斯解释为A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement.。它也可以用来形容某一个地方,是“安定的,没有争执斗争的”;还可以指水面,是“风平浪静的”;天气,是“无风的”。
She is usually a calm and diplomatic woman... 她通常沉着而老练。
Diane felt very calm and unafraid as she saw him off the next morning. 黛安娜第二天早上送他走的时候,内心很平静,也不害怕。
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