140组考研英语同义词 | 残留物:Remains,Ruin


🚩remains来源于动词remain,所以它的主要含义是“留下来的,剩下的部分”,柯林斯是这样解释的The remains of something are the parts of it that are left after most of it has been taken away or destroyed.。
the remains of a meal, a chicken 吃剩下的饭、鸡
the remains of a defeated army 败军的残余部队
I rescued the remains of my slipper from the dog. 我从那狗的口中夺回了我拖鞋的残留部分。
🚩remains也指“遗体、残骸”,柯林斯解释为The remains of a person or animal are the parts of their body that are left after they have died, sometimes after they have been dead for a long time.,即“人或动物的遗体、残骸,尤其是死亡很久之后的”。这一用法比较正式。
More human remains have been unearthed in the north of the country.在该国北部挖出了更多的人类遗骨。
🚩remains还专门指“历史遗迹、残骸”,柯林斯解释为Historical remains are things that have been found from an earlier period of history, usually buried in the ground, for example parts of buildings and pieces of pottery.,含义上通常指“是历史上早期的东西,埋在地下很久了,比如建筑遗迹,瓷器残片等”。在这层意思上,与ruins的意思相近。
There are Roman remains all around us.我们周围都是古罗马的遗迹。
🚩ruins更多的是指“建筑的遗迹”,柯林斯解释为The ruins of a building are the parts of it that remain after the rest has fallen down or been destroyed.,注意这里专门说的是建筑的“废墟、遗迹、断壁残垣”,它可以是单数,也可以是复数,通常用复数。
the ruins of Pompeii 庞贝城的遗迹
The abbey is now a ruin. 那修道院现已成废墟
🚩ruins也可以指“严重损坏之后的残余部分,残存部分”,柯林斯解释为The ruins of something are the parts of it that remain after it has been severely damaged or weakened.,在这层含义上,它更倾向于强调“破坏之后残余、残存的”。也常用复数形式。
The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire... 他帮助建立起的新土耳其共和国是从一个伟大帝国的废墟上发展起来的。
He stood very still, staring in at the ruins of his work. 他站在那里一动也不动,呆呆地看着他残余的作品。
🚩ruin作为不可数名词,还可以指“抽象或者具体事物的毁灭、瓦解、没落的状态”,柯林斯解释为Ruin is the state of being severely damaged or spoiled, or the process of reaching this state.。这一层含义是remains不具有的。
The vineyards were falling into ruin... 这些葡萄园日渐没落。
She wasn't going to let her plans go to ruin. 她不会让她的计划破产的。
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