

本周维多利亚的雅思考场写作题目是关于环境生态类的,不出所料, 本次考题依然在我们的授课范围内,让我们一起来分析下这篇文章吧!
2023.1.7 维多利亚考场写作题目
Write about the following topic:
Title: With the increasing demand for energy such as oil and gas, people start to look for their sources in remote and untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Essay type
Advantage/Disadvantage Essay

It is important in English writing, including academic writing, to use synonyms rather than repeat the same word.
forage for|search for 搜寻 
distant|remote 遥远的 
untouched|unaltered|uncontaminated|unspoiled places 未受破坏的
extracting oil and gas| oil and gas exploration 开采石油和天然气 
degrade|inflict damage on|wreak havoc on |cause irreversible damage to 损害
advantage|benefit 好处
disadvantage|drawback 坏处
research|studies 研究

(More disadvantages) 
Writing the introduction
1) paraphrase the topic sentence. 用自己语言改写题目
2) give your opinion in the matter.  表明你的立场
Band 9 Sample Answer
As the demand for energy such as gas and oil is soaring, people begin to forage for their sources in distant areas that have not been reclaimed. In my opinion, this brings more drawbacks than benefits.

第二段  Body Paragraph 1
(one advantage)
-Introduce the advantage‍‍‍
-give examples/reasoning 
Band 9 Sample Answer
One evident advantage of searching for such energy sources in unaltered places is its widespread economic benefits. Oil and gas exploration can contribute to a country’s economic health by creating jobs, generating labor incomes and providing new sources of government revenue. For example,  according to research, in 2019, the  US oil and natural gas industry’s total impact amounted to 11.3 million full-time and part-time jobs and accounted for 5.6 percent of total US employment. 

Body Paragraph 3 and 4 
(two disadvantages)
-Introduce the two disadvantages
-give examples/reasoning
Band 9 Sample Answer
Despite its economic impacts, however, extracting oil and gas deposits from uncontaminated places can cause irreversible damage to biodiversity. In other words, oil and gas exploration and development, which are often accompanied by oil spills, pipeline leaks or failures, and shipping accidents, can degrade migratory pathways and other critical habitats in which many animals live and inflict damage on the ecosystems. A prime example of this can be seen in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster, wherein an enormous amount of oil was discharged into the Gulf of Mexico and millions of marine species were annihilated. Events such as these can be destructive for biodiversity and long-term health of marine ecosystems.
Finally, over-exploitation of oil and gas reserves is dominated by increased consumption and transportation of fossil fuels, which can contribute to greenhouse emissions and accelerate air pollution. This byproduct of air pollution contributes to the increased air pollutants that pose a major health threat. For instance, a number of studies suggest that air pollution can lead to diminished lung function, increased asthma incidences and increases in premature deaths. This is particularly concerning for the individuals who live in low-income or high-poverty neighbourhoods because they tend to be exposed to higher concentrations of air pollution and face greater health risks.

第五段 Conclusion 
Writing Conclusion
Rephrase your opinion and summarize the main points.
Band 9 Sample Answer
In conclusion, it seems to me that exploiting gas and oil in remote and unspoiled areas might be beneficial for a country’s economy, but it can wreak havoc on ecosystems, pollute the air, and threaten people’s health. (363 words)
*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师 原创参考 范文,仅供学习交流,未经允许严禁一切商业用途,扫码关注,紧跟老师掌握正确备考方法,事半功倍!

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