2023.01.15 温哥华考场雅思写作考情回顾|9分参考范文|当今社会, 变老是一件坏事吗


2023.01.15 温哥华考区机考写作题目
Write about the following topic:
Title:  Some people think in this modern world, getting old is entirely bad. However, others believe that the life of old people is much better now than it was in the past. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.   
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Essay type
Discussion Essay

It is important to use academic vocabulary in IELTS writing.
senility 年老,衰老
ghastly dreadful 非常可怕
disparage 贬低
dementia (尤指老年性)痴呆
seclude 使…不与…接触
undermine 损害
peril 巨大的危险
onset 开始
lethal 致命的
extend life expectancy 延长寿命
enforce changes 实行变化
Writing the introduction
1) paraphrase the topic sentence. 用自己语言改写题目
2) state two contrasting views. 陈述两种不同的观点
3) give your opinion in the matter.  表明你的立场
Band 9 Sample Answer
Opinions differ on going senile. Some people claim that senility is ghastly dreadful in today’s world, while others argue that the elderly’s living conditions are superior to what they were in the past. I am of the former opinion and believe that the various age-related conditions older adults are exposed to and the less friendly social environment make life in senior years unhealthily miserable. 

第二段  Body Paragraph 1 
-Introduce the first viewpoint held by some people- (view A-topic sentence)
-give examples/reasoning 
论据1 健康状况下降
论据2 老年人面临的社会问题 比如孤独 ‍‍
Band 9 Sample Answer
On the one hand, old age is disparaged by many on grounds of health decline and diminishment. They point out that even in today’s world, which is characterized by medical advances and breakthroughs, the probability of seniors developing aging-associated diseases such as dementia is still high, and this can be disastrous for a person’s senior years, affecting their ability to live independently and undermining quality of life. Moreover, it seems true that the social climate today also appears to be hostile to senior citizens with more elders being secluded in their own homes, being exploited financially and having to bear the burden of raising their grandchildren. This contrasts with the past when the elderly remained the centre of the family and were treated with the utmost respect. 

第三段  Body Paragraph 2 
-Introduce the opposing viewpoint (view B-topic sentence)
-give examples/reasoning
Band 9 Sample Answer
Conversely, however, there are many people who argue that the seniors today have wider opportunities to spend their time and entertain themselves, both by engaging in leisure and physical activities or being part of a large social network. For example, they can enjoy the various community-engaged arts programs, music activities and cultural involvements as they have considerable time. A further argument against the perils of old age is that the elderly today are more likely to remain healthy longer than in the past, thanks to better approaches to disease control and improved health care which have delayed the onset and progression of both lethal and nonlethal diseases and have extended life expectancy.  

第四段 Conclusion 总结和建议
Writing Conclusion
Sentence 1: Rephrase your opinion and summarize the main points.
Sentence 2: Make a prediction or a recommendation based on what you have said.
Band 9 Sample Answer
To conclude, despite longevity as a likely outcome and achievement of the modern era, it seems to me that the quality of those longer years is compromised because of poor health, loneliness and loss of autonomy that might occur in the senior years. National health care systems and the government as a whole must enforce changes on policies and programs to ensure that the elderly are able to age with security and dignity and continue to participate in their societies as citizens with full rights.
*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师 原创参考 范文,仅供学习交流,未经允许严禁一切商业用途,扫码关注,紧跟老师掌握正确备考方法,事半功倍!

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