

错误1: 使用缩写形式 
(Using Contractions)‍
缩写形式经常使用于英语的口语当中,而在雅思写作中, 除G类雅思给朋友写信文体之外,都需要使用正式的书面语言,不可以使用缩写形式。
Contractions are used frequently in spoken English to shorten words. However, they should not be used in the IELTS Writing exams. You will lose silly points for making these common IELTS grammar mistakes.
So instead use:
cannot instead of Can’t
do not instead of Don’t
I will instead of I’ll
It is instead of It’s

错误2: 使用个人的经历举例
(Using Personal Examples)
避免这种错误一个很巧妙的办法就是将 个人的例子换成泛泛的事实比如把“我” 换成“很多年轻人/很多父母/很多。。。”具体可以看下面这个例子:
Weak example: “My parents frequently work late in order to make ends meet, and this has a big impact on the amount of time I get to communicate with them.” 
Stronger example: “Many parents today are working longer hours in order to sufficiently provide for their children, which is having an enormous impact on the amount of available time for face to face communication.”

错误3: 使用用烂了的语言
(Using inappropriate clichés)
The examiner is looking for memorized language, phrases and clichés. Memorized language is easy to identify, so use your own words and avoid overused phrases.  
Two-edged sword/double-edged sword/2 sides/faces of a coin 
In a nutshell, 
There are pros and cons. 
With the development of modern technology,
It can broaden a person's horizons.
It cannot be denied that....
This is a highly controversial/is a highly debated issue.  
比如一个常见的谚语 “All that glitters is not gold (闪闪发亮的并不都是金子)." 固然在意思上可能会适用于你的写作,但是这样的谚语在雅思写作中并不适合,最好改成“ People should not be deceived by appearances because they can be deceptive." 这样才符合雅思写作的风格。

错误4: 过多使用人称代词
比如“you” “we” “us” 等
在雅思写作中,你可以使用第一人称 “I” 表明你的立场,但这仅仅可以出现在第一段introduction 和最后一段conclusion 段表面立场的句子中 比如I think/I am of the opinion that/ it appears to me that…., 在正文段是不可以出现人称代词诸如“you” “we” “us”等,因为雅思写作是需要运用正式语言风格的
Firstly, arts subjects are good for your grades. For example, if you take a drama course, it will not only help you think and reason analytically but also help you read and write effectively. Getting such skills will further help you learn other subjects such as math and reading as well. As a result, your overall school performance will become better. 
在这个例子当中,你会发现这个写作风格是极其不太正式的, 大量的使用you, 我将这个段落修改了一下,具体见下文:
Firstly, art involvement can have a significant impact on students’ academic outcomes. For example, the school-provided drama courses, which involve performance of a story and a number of other activities such as in-depth study of Shakespearean literature, can develop students’ ability to think and reason analytically and to read and write effectively. Acquisition of such skills can help improve students’ understanding of other complex texts including science and math material, thus helping raise students’ overall attainment levels. Therefore, the inclusion of art subjects in the school curriculum is essential as it can improve students’ overall academic performance. 

错误5: 使用 “etc”, “so forth”“so on”. 
在雅思写作这样的正式文体中,像 “etc”, “and so forth”, “so on”这样的用语是不被认可的, 具体可以参考以下例子:
Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by volcanism, solar activity, etc.
Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by natural causes, such as volcanism and solar activity. 
Scientists theorize that the factors leading to global temperature change may include volcanism and solar activity. 
Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by volcanism, solar activity, and other natural causes.
Scientists theorize that global temperature change may be induced by a variety of natural causes, including volcanism and solar activity.
错误6: 用逗号链接两句话
(Combining Two Complete Sentences 
with a Comma)
在给学生批改作文的过程中,我经常发现学生会用逗号连接两个完整的句子,在英文中,逗号是不可以连接两个完整的句子的。避免这个错误,你要么在这两个句子之间使用句号或者分号(a semicolon ;) 或者加连词 (a conjunction: and/or/but).
Wrong example 错误例子: 
The clouds were dark, we thought it would rain.
Correct example 正确例子: 
The clouds were dark. We thought it would rain.
The clouds were dark, so we thought it would rain.
The clouds were dark; we thought it would rain.
Because the clouds were dark, we thought it would rain.

错误7: 不使用hedging
"hedging words" 在学术英文里讲的是当你在主张观点,解释数据、举例、作结论的时候,一种可以帮助你的句子读起来不要这么武断、主观的语言机制。一句话,“hedging” 讲的是严谨的表达,不要把话说的太直接、太饱满。
(1) Leading a sedentary lifestyle causes chronic health conditions. 
要是这么说的话,很容易被挑出毛病,所以就算信心度破 100%,通常句子还是会这样写:
(2) Leading a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to a range of chronic health conditions. 
例句 (1) 用的是现在式,表示100%会发生的事实或真理。例句 (2) 的 can contribute to 就是 hedging words,用来表示「可能,我不敢说百分之百是」。
中国学生在面对学术英文时,常被告知要做到「批判性思考」但却没有学到如何安置hedging words 在文章里,以致他们的论述读起来不是过度普遍化的概论(over-generalization) 就是过度主张 (sweeping claims)。
那么下面有五种 hedging devices 可以让你的论述多一份谨慎的态度(caution):
1. 情态助动词: modal verbs (would, could, may, might)
Eg. This discrepancy could be attributed to…
2. 副词: adverbs (possibly, perhaps, probably, apparently, evidently, presumably, relatively; occasionally, sometimes, generally, usually, often, seldom)
Eg. The number of patients will probably increase..............
Acceptance rates are generally high………..
3. 形容词: adjectives (likely, probable, uncertain, doubtful)
Eg. It is likely that the experimental group…
4. 中性动词: impersonal verb forms (it seems that, it appears, it suggests, it is generally agreed that)
Eg. It appears that outstanding managers are rather rare.
5. 量化词:Use a quantifier (e.g. some, few,many, much (also expression one of)
Eg.Inflation is one of the causes of…

作者*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师
超过10年的教学经验,曾多次创下帮学生40课时内达到雅思8分和7.5分的高分记录,擅长帮学生搭建高分句型结构、满分素材,强雅思写作批改,直击失分点,英国名校圣安德鲁斯大学(英国卫报排名第二; 威廉王子母校) 英语教育MBA 双硕士科班出身,有着深厚的英语语言教学以及写作功底,TESOL 资格证书 TESl Canada 资格认证;扫码关注,紧跟老师掌握正确备考方法,事半功倍!
