12.21 温哥华考场雅思写作考情回顾|9分参考范文|政府要不要对教育和医疗投资


2022.12.21 温哥华考区写作题目
Write about the following topic:
Title: Some people believe that governments should pay for healthcare and education, but others disagree with this opinion. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Essay type
Discussion Essay

It is important in English writing, including academic writing, to use synonyms rather than repeat the same word.
subsidization|sponsor|patronize 资助
social disparities|social divide 社会不平等|社会差距
government involvement in education and healthcare |government interference|interfere with  政府干预教育和医疗
lead to|result in 导致
Writing the introduction
1) paraphrase the topic sentence. 用自己语言改写题目
2) state two contrasting views. 陈述两种不同的观点
3) give your opinion in the matter.  表明你的立场
Band 9 Sample Answer
There has been intense debate over government subsidization of healthcare and education. While some people claim that it is essential for governments to provide universal healthcare and education to all citizens, others argue in favour of governments not being involved in healthcare and education. This essay will examine arguments on both sides of the debate and argue in favour of the former opinion. 

第二段  Body Paragraph 1 
-Introduce the first viewpoint held by some people- (view A-topic sentence)
-give examples/reasoning 
Band 9 Sample Answer
On the one hand, some people state that public spending on healthcare and education is justified on equity grounds. They say that failing to implement such a scheme for all members of society would exacerbate the vast social disparities that exist in education and healthcare between the rich and the poor, which could lead to negative consequences such as more crime or a politically unstable country. In addition, it seems true that health and education are basic human needs and that governments, which collect taxes from the public, should guarantee some minimum level of these services because ensuring the general welfare of their citizens is part of their obligations and responsibilities. It is thus understandable why many people are proponents of this view. 

第三段  Body Paragraph 2 
-Introduce the opposing viewpoint (view B-topic sentence)
-give examples/reasoning
Band 9 Sample Answer
On the other hand, critics argue that the best government is the one that governs the least. Government involvement in education and healthcare always carries with it a danger of government interference and distortion, which can distort the behaviour of private agents or interfere with free market economy. Another argument against free public provision of healthcare and education is the inefficiencies created by such policies. For example, publicly funded healthcare often results in higher costs, inefficiency, longer waiting times for care, denial of care to some and overall mismanagement, while free public school can lead some parents who would otherwise have chosen schools better than their local public schools to send their children to those schools.

第四段 Conclusion 
Writing Conclusion
Sentence 1: Rephrase your opinion and summarize the main points.
Sentence 2: Make a prediction or a recommendation based on what you have said.
Band 9 Sample Answer
To conclude, while both views have their valid points, I tend to side with the position that argues for governments patronizing education and healthcare, with all the advantages of minimizing the social divide between the rich and the poor and promoting the general welfare of citizens. 
*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师 原创参考 范文,仅供学习交流,未经允许严禁一切商业用途,扫码关注,紧跟老师掌握正确备考方法,事半功倍!

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