2023.03.11 温哥华考场雅思写作考情回顾|9分参考范文|国际合作有利于环境还是经济


2023.03.11 温哥华考区笔试写作题目
Write about the following topic:
Some people think the main benefit of international cooperation is in the protection of the environment, while others think that the main benefits are in the world business. Discuss both views and give your opinion.   
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Essay type
Discussion Essay

It is important to use academic vocabulary in IELTS writing.
espouse the view that...支持。。观点
environmental conservation 环境保护 
tackle pollution 解决污染 
mitigate global warming 减轻全球变暖 
ameliorate resource management practices 改善资源管理实践 
prioritize economic growth 优先考虑经济增长 
a symbiotic relationship 共栖关系 
economies of scale 规模经济
Write the introduction
1) Paraphrase the two contrasting views. 
2) Briefly outline what the writer is going to write about in the paragraphs that follow. 简要概述作者将在接下来的段落中写什么内容  
Band 9 Sample Answer
Two divergent opinions exist about the primary advantages of international cooperation, with some arguing that it is mainly geared towards environmental protection, whereas others hold that international cooperation mostly benefits the world of business. This essay aims to examine both views and present an opinion on the matter.

第二段  Body Paragraph 1 
-introduce the first viewpoint held by some people- (view A-topic sentence)
-give examples/reasoning 
Band 9 Sample Answer
On the one hand, those who espouse the view that international cooperation's primary benefit is environmental conservation argue that countries can collaborate on climate change policies or initiatives to reduce greenhouse emission, tackle pollution and mitigate global warming. One prime example of international treaties achieving a reduction in greenhouse emissions can be seen in the Montreal Protocol on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which has significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, proponents of this viewpoint say that international cooperation allows countries to share knowledge and expertise on environmental issues. This can include sharing best practices for reducing pollution, developing new technologies for renewable energy, improving conservation and restoration efforts and ameliorating resource management practices.

第三段  Body Paragraph 2 
-Introduce the opposing viewpoint (view B-topic sentence)
-give examples/reasoning
Band 9 Sample Answer
Conversely, however, critics of the above view argue that economic interest takes priority over environmental advantage and benefits mostly from international cooperation because it can create new markets, boost trade, and fuel economic growth. By collaborating, businesses can access innovative technologies, expand their customer base, and enjoy the benefits of economies of scale. The World Trade Organization (WTO) champions international trade by lowering trade barriers and ensuring fair competition between countries. Additionally, it seems true that economic interests are easier to quantify than other impacts of international cooperation such as environmental impacts, meaning that policymakers may be more likely to prioritize economic growth because it is easier to measure and demonstrate its benefits. 
第四段 Present and discuss your viewpoint 

Nonetheless, in my opinion, it is possible to reconcile both views by acknowledging that environmental protection and economic growth are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are a symbiotic relationship where the success of one benefits the other. For instance, international cooperation in renewable energy projects can create new jobs and stimulate economic growth, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  Similarly, international treaties on protecting natural ecosystems can support ecotourism and the sustainable use of natural resources. Therefore, international cooperation should aim to balance both environmental protection and economic growth.

第五段 Conclusion 总结和建议
Write the conclusion
Sentence 1: Rephrase your opinion and summarize the main points.
Sentence 2: Make a prediction or a recommendation based on what you have said.
Band 9 Sample Answer
In conclusion, while the arguments on both sides of the debate about the primary advantages of international cooperation raise valid points to consider, it appears to me that both views can be reconciled by acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between environmental protection and economic growth. International cooperation should strive to strike a balance between the two to promote sustainable global development.
*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师 原创参考 范文,仅供学习交流,未经允许严禁一切商业用途,扫码关注,紧跟老师掌握正确备考方法,事半功倍!
