从昨日温哥华考区雅思写作真题9分范文看雅思写作Direct Question 类型的正确写法!


2022.12.04 温哥华考区机考写作题目
Write about the following topic:
In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Essay type
Direct question essay

Vocabulary 词汇库
command respect 值得尊敬
empathy 同情;同感,共鸣
ethical and moral character 道德品质
perseverance 坚持不懈
audacity 勇气
manifest 显示
erode 腐蚀
artistic endeavor 艺术探索
Band 9 Sample Answer
Writing the introduction
1) paraphrase the topic sentence 
2) answer the question 回答问题 
In this modern era of advanced science and technology, artists such as musicians, painters and writers still command considerable respect from people around the world. There are a number of aspects of life which can be learned from arts but not from science and technology.

第二段  Body Paragraph 1 
Band 9 Sample Answer
Firstly, the various forms of art, particularly classic literature books, which portray integrity, empathy, forgiveness and other aspects of human conditions, can teach a person to possess profoundly ethical and moral character. For example, stories such as William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind and Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights teach people to love even when they feel like the world is against them. Classics like Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway also provide fine examples of resilience, perseverance and audacity. It is dubious that any technology in the world can manage to convey such powerful messages.

第三段  Body Paragraph 2 
Band 9 Sample Answer
Furthermore, while science is the quest for information concerning universal facts or the operations of basic laws, it is the job of the arts to help construct and explore a sense of cultural identity as individuals, as a society or as a nation. For instance, many ancient paintings created by individual artists such as the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci or Along the River During the Qingming Festival by a famous Chinese painter manifest a time period, a context, or a particular type of culture for people to identify themselves and appreciate who they are. This is particularly important in a globalized world where media technologies seem to erode one’s belief in the significance of culture.

第四段 Conclusion
Band 9 Sample Answer
Writing the conclusion
Conclude your answer by concisely summing up and do not show new content.
To conclude, while science and technology provide a structure for rational thought and sound reasoning, it is the various forms of artistic endeavor that help people achieve their destiny as “true human beings”, being able to reflect on their moral values and the beauty of their culture.
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