

固然在雅思写作中,肯定要用到简单句,但是能够写出 lengthy and complex (冗长且复杂)的句子是关系到雅思写作能否上7分的关键,正如雅思官方评分标准所叙述的那样:
Band 7 Band Descriptors (Grammatical range and accuracy)
uses a variety of complex structures
produces frequent error-free sentences
has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors

1)使用reasoning 思维, 用连词 because/since/as 拓长句子
Example:Art subjects should be incorporated into the school curriculum because art education can contribute to students’ academic performance.

2)融入concession(让步)思维,用 although/while 等拓长句子句子
Although many people perceive art courses to be peripheral, I think they are a crucial part of education and should be included in the syllabus of every school. 

 3) 融入hedging (拐弯抹角、不直接说、避免绝对的说法)思维,用谨慎的语言比如 it seems that/it appears that/it is possible that 来拓长句子长度
“It is possible that the government is responsible for increased habitat destruction and environmental degradation."

4)使用impersonal style (不带个人色彩)语言思维,避免使用 “I”, “my”, “you”, “your”, “we” and “our”, 可以用“it” 作为空主语加被动语态来说明其他人的观点比如“it has long been recognized that/ it is generally agreed that/it is thought that/it is widely claimed that 来拓长句子长度
“It used to be thought that the events that changed the world were things like big bombs, maniac politicians, huge earthquakes, or vast population movements, but it has now been realized that this is a very old-fashioned view held by people totally out of touch with modern thought.
It is widely claimed that children are spending less time reading these days, but recent research suggests……………………………….

5) 使用细化思维,用which/that 定语从句拓展细节来拓长句子
Governments should ensure that adequate legislation and controls that will harshly penalize environmental criminals are in place, such as imposing large fines on corporations which have committed criminal acts of pollution or illegal discharge of untreated sewage materials. 
Long and complex sentences as stated above are needed in academic writing. Try to write lengthy and complex sentences in your IELTS Writing Test while varying your sentence types, patterns and lengths.
*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师 原创参考 范文,仅供学习交流,未经允许严禁一切商业用途,扫码关注,紧跟老师掌握正确备考方法,事半功倍!
