上班打卡 :clock in/on
下班打卡 :clock out
I clock on at 8:30 and clock out at 17:30.
pull strings 表示to secretly use the influence you have over important people in order to get something or to help someone,动用人脉、影响力等等托关系走后门去办成某事。
She pulled strings to get her daughter a job.
I may be able to pull a few strings if you need the document urgently.
would pay to do something 表示greatly desire to do something,非常想要做某事。
I would pay to see someone punch him in the face.
the final/last straw 表示the last in a series of unpleasant events that finally makes you feel that you cannot continue to accept a bad situation,压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。
Losing my job was bad enough, but being evicted was the final straw.
evict /ɪˈvɪkt/ 动词,表示to tell someone legally that they must leave the house they are living in,从房屋里被驱逐,赶走( 比如说因为无法按时付房租)。
They were unable to pay the rent, and were evicted from their home.
red flag 比喻义表示a sign that something bad is happening or could happen,不好的兆头、苗头。
Controlling behaviour in a relationship could be a red flag.
These are devices that are necessary components of nuclear weapons, and clearly that has raised a red flag in the minds of a lot of people.
in good/all conscience 表示without feeling guilty,问心无愧的,不会良心不安的,经常用在否定句里,cannot do something in all/good conscience,表示不能做某事,因为觉得那样做不对。
I couldn't in all conscience tell her to pay the whole bill.