======== suck是个普通的动词,其实也就是中文的 差劲 的程度。所以大多数时候都不算脏话,只是稍微激烈一点的说法。当用作sucker的时候,稍微会严重一点,但是也算比较轻的。比如你说i suck at soccer,这种都是很普通的表达,没有什么特殊的含义。当说成 you suck,的时候,更多是表达一种失望的情绪,其实太当成骂人。比如一个女滴,对她男朋友很失望,他很对不起她,她可以说,you suck,好像对他很失望的样子,翻译成你真是太差劲了。
Apple 18:41:57 penguin....flying has replied to u in tianya club ...好玩啊。。。。。。。去看。。。。。。。。。 乱舞ó企鹅 18:43:26 hi 乱舞ó企鹅 18:43:30 yeah, saw it just now 乱舞ó企鹅 18:43:37 just finished dinner Apple 18:43:42 good ...fight with him ... 乱舞ó企鹅 18:43:50 hehe, i wont, i dont bite Apple 18:43:50 let's start a fight ............... Apple 18:43:53 wowow ................
Well yes, I see show off as YOUR way to satisfy your heart, tell me what a good feeling it is when you are doing it?
sigh, u say i want to show off, and i say no, whos right? or who can be the judge? if u think i am here to show off my english, thats ur call, and i cant say nothing about it. so, if u say so, i respect what you say, but it does not have to be true. ok? then, can we end this?
Do you often call your sisters or brothers to greet them?You have become a "Ge". How do you call them?
========= i am sorry, if calling myself ge, makes u feel uncomfortable. as i said earlier, i call myself ge, just for fun, and if u dont think it is fun, then u can ignore it.
and, i dont use this way to call myself in my real life. i hope this answered ur question.
Thank you for the gentleness. but try to avoid people to abuse you. I think you are kind, courteous to your co-worker and your boss.
Try to avoid joining group with this session every day off, it's good to have fun sometimes but try to remember you need to make more friends, and join good peer group and your doing it for the sake of your own.
================ i would love to make more friends and i think thats one of the good ways to practise english.
you must listen listen what i am going to say. in fact, teaching of language itself is a big mistake. enhancing communication is the only solution for the improvement of languages. suppose you part two ppl of different linguistic backgrounds on a remote island, they'll soon develop their own way of communication, which i believe would be a mixture of two languages. each compromise a little bit for the successful communication, which serve for their purpose of survival, based upon which other issues are made possible. i keep wondering why chinese, a nation overnumber any english speaking country, would swallow the shit of being learners of english or other foreign languages. why are we so shamed about our own cultured? when we talk about flood-7-grandpa, we all know that refers to the kong fu master in legend of eagle shooting hero, who is able to practise dragon-defeating-18-palms. foreigners say these are chinglish, then chinglish it can be! so what? we are chinese, we outnumber them. we value our own culture! you don't understand, you must study. that's it! human live in a different way than animals. animals shape themselves to suit the envrionment, human modify the enviornment to suit themselves. the history of human activities is a history of human changing the world. individuals are weak. yes, that's why we need to talk and we need to free expression of our ideas and our voice, telling this world at large, we are chinese and we are proud of chinglish. from now on, you must good-good-study so that you can day-day-up. we don't accept your values, because we want to remain who we are! and we aren't gonna wait-by-the-tree-for-a-rabbit, we are gonna gather-sand-to-build-a-tower. we chinese all understand these words, you don't? pay to learn then!
yeah, thats really something that bothers me a lot recently. many ppl joined the groups but only a few of them were talking, - - i am trying to firgure out a way to encourage ppl start talking, but it is not gonig well so far, as u can see. btw, which group r u in? the 0.2 is always silent. the 1.1 and 0.3 are okay, and 1.0 has most of the active talkers. so, i think thats my fault and i should manage the groups better by cleaning them every week. =) so that i can keep the active talkers in one group other than in 4 seperate ones.
and, just to let u guys know, usually, i will be in the groups around 12pm or 12am, ur time. and i will try to stay in the group for at least a while, but i was busy and had many stuff in hands, so, i will try. cheers! =)
同样,哥希望呢,这个道理你能明白,当然了,如果你就不明白,也无所谓,哥不在乎你到底变成什么样子,哥没那么雷锋。现在你到了国外,是的,你如果工作环境比较低层次的,这样的俚语少不了。但是跟在国内一样,你要是在稍微有点规模的公司,非车间,非体力工作的,你开个早会,上来说yo,wats up, hows ur weekend, man, u gotta hook me up。这个不用说老外了,就是中国人也会举得这个人脑子是不是被驴攻击过,开会上说这个。这个只是普通级别,在高级别的时候就不用说了,所谓的俚语,是根本看不到的。大家说的,没有什么那种华丽丽的词,其实这种会开多了,里面每次用的词大多都重复,因为都是翻来覆去对一些决策进行讨论,这个经常开高级别会议的同学,不管是中文还是英文的,会知道,要的,只是个决定。当然了,brain storming的会除外。哥这里关于俚语就说这么多,具体杭同学你自己理解吧,如果你觉得俚语最高,那你随便,哥不管你,然后哥说俚语不是最高,那你也别叽歪了,哥都不管你,哥给你自由,你还非得咬着哥,你说你有意思吗?