Take initiative in life丨掌握主动权丨每日一词ay14

牛津:the power or opportunity to act and gain an advantage before other people do
柯林斯:If you have or take the initiative, you’re in a position to control a situation and decide what to do next.
seize/lose the initiative  掌握╱丧失先机
It was up to the US to  take the initiative  in repairing relations. 在修复关系方面应由美国采取主动。
牛津:A new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose.
柯林斯:An initiative is an important act or statement that is intended to solve a problem.
United Nations peace initiative 联合国的和平倡议
a government initiative to combat unemployment 政府应付失业问题的新方案
Local initiatives to help young people have been inadequate.  当地对年轻人的扶助法案一直不够完善
一带一路倡议,可以简写成BRI,也就是Belt and Road Initiative
Somewhere today, a group of staff from General Motors will meet as part of the ‘Go-Fast’ programme, and hammer out a new initiative to cut costs and bureaucracy. 
You will be involved in all aspects of human resources activity, including providing advice and guidance to your business partners and policy development, in addition to implementing any training and development initiatives the company may launch from time to time.
【释义3】[U]n, 主动性;积极性;自发性
牛津:the ability to decide and act on your own without waiting for sb to tell you what to do

Taking initiative is a form of self-empowerment. 积极主动是一种自我赋权。
You won't get much help. You'll have to use your initiative  . 你不会得到多少帮助的。你得自己想办法。
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