turnover外企必备词汇丨每日一词 Day15

商务英语中,常常会碰到 turnover 这个词,但很多人都不知道具体指什么。turnover在商务语境中,有三个最基本的意思。【释义1】(一定时期内的)营业额,成交量 牛津:the total amount of goods or services sold by a company during a particular period of time柯林斯:The turnover of a company is the value of the goods or services sold during a particular period of time. 【例句】annual turnover 年营业额,年成交量turnover tax营业税The company had a turnover of $3.8 million. 那家公司拥有380万美元的营业额。【释义2】人事变更率;人员调整率牛津:the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by other people 柯林斯:The turnover of people in an organization or place is the rate at which people leave and are replaced.

staff turnover 员工流失Short-term contracts increase staff turnover. 短期合同会增加员工的流动率。【释义3】货物周转率
牛津:the rate at which goods are sold in a shop/store and replaced by others 【例句】 a fast turnover of stock 快速的存货周转inventory turnover存货周转【口语样题】Part one——What do you think of staff turnover? 提供两个参考表达:
——Reasonable amount of staff turnover can be a good thing because of " the survival of the fittest". Some turnover is healthy and essential to organisational well-being. With new hires, they infuse the company with fresh blood, that is new ideas and style of management, new visions, etc.——High staff turnover, with 20% of employees losing in five years, can be a bad thing and has negative impact on the development and growth of the company. It may result in extra cost, both tangible and intangible, such as rerecruitment cost, loss of staff satisfaction etc.
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