
(Jellyfish, 图源必应)
直接说重点,先来一个正式的表达——digress( /daɪˈɡres/)
【释义】v. 离题;偏离主题
牛津:to start to talk about sth that is not connected with the main point of what you are saying 
Ah, I digress, how did we come to psychology? Let's go back to talking about how to invest in the property market. 哎,扯远了,我们怎么谈到心理学了?还是继续说说怎么投资房地产市场吧。
After several digressions, he finally got to the point. 说了几句题外话后,他终于言归正传。
此外,“扯远了”也就是跑题嘛,也可以用短语get off track表达。
Don't get off track, how about getting back to what we can do now? 别扯远了,咱们还是说说眼前怎么办吧。
扯远了之后要“言归正传”,用英语又该怎么说呢?其实刚才的例句中就又类似的。你可以说,Let's get back to the point. 
Stay tuned 
