tender offer可不是和善的工作机会|每日一词 Day27

今天先回应标题——tender offer 要约收购

tender offer 要约收购
释义:a public offer to buy not less than a specified number of shares of a stock at a fixed pricefrom stockholders usually in an attempt to gain control of the issuing company
tender offer 也叫 general offer,是面向全体股东(或同一类别的全体股东)发出的要约。如果要约目的是收购100%的股份,是full offer全面要约,而 “部分要约”则为partial offer。
多说几句——例如,我国规定,收购人持股30%以上,就必须向全体股东发出收购要约。这类“强制要约”英文是mandatory offer,与之对应的“自愿要约”为voluntary offer。
牛津:kind, gentle and loving
tender words 亲切的话语

(Tender words we spoke to one another are sealed in the secret vaults of heaven.  One day like rain, they will fall to earth and grow green all over the world 我们对彼此说的温柔的话都被封存在神秘的苍穹中。总有一天,它们会像雨一样落在地上,在世界各地孕育出绿洲)
牛津:( of food 食物 ) easy to bite through and cut
This meat is extremely tender. 这肉嫩得很。
“嫩的”反义词:tough. 下次说这块牛排老了,千万别说the steak is old. 应该是the steak is tough. 

【释义3】投标,n/ v
牛津:a formal offer to supply goods or do work at a stated price (名词)
~ (for sth)to make a formal offer to supply goods or do work at a stated price (动词)
a competitive tender 具有竞争力的投标
Cleaning services have been put out to tender (= companies have been asked to make offers to supply these services) . 清扫工作已经对外招标。
Local firms were invited to tender for the building contract. 当地的公司被邀请投标承包建筑工程。
If you are only supplying companies that put out to tender every year, the future becomes uncertain and so you’ve no time to build a relationship that will move your company forward. 如果你们只为那种常年以招标的形式选择供应商的公司提供服务,那么未来将会变得很不明朗,你根本没有多余的时间去发展能够让公司稳步向前的客户。

【释义4】 提议;提供;提出
牛津:sth (to sb)( formal ) to offer or give sth to sb
He has tendered his resignation to the Prime Minister. 他已向首相递交辞呈。
Stay tuned 