140组考研英语同义词 | 讲话:Speech,Address,Lecture,Talk,Harangue,Oration...


🚩speech是指“任何对公众的讲话,正式的或者非正式的,即席的或者预先准备好的,也无论听众水平高低等”,柯林斯解释为A speech is a formal talk which someone gives to an audience.。
She is due to make a speech on the economy next week.她将在下周作一个关于经济的演讲。
He delivered his speech in French.他用法语发表演说。
🚩address通常指“预先准备好的正式演说,常用语重要场合,暗示演说者都是名人,讲话很重要,并且听众真的有在听”,speech可以是公开的,也可以是私人的;而address总是公开的,朗文词典解释为a formal speech that someone makes to a group of people。
The President is scheduled to deliver three addresses on his trip to the north.总统会在其北方之行中发表三场重要演讲。
🚩lecture是指“对于某一个特定主题,为指导别人所做的演讲,授课;暗含充分准备,通常指大学或者学院里的演讲,讲座”。柯林斯解释为A lecture is a talk someone gives in order to teach people about a particular subject, usually at a university or college.。
a series of lectures by Professor Eric Robinson埃里克·鲁宾逊教授的系列讲座
In his lecture Riemann covered an enormous variety of topics.里曼的演讲涵盖了各种各样的主题。
🚩talk主要是指“非正式讲话,表示讲话者有意与听众直接简单,作为个人身份讲一讲,讨论讨论”,牛津词典解释为informal lecture or speech.。
She gave a talk on her visit to China. 她就访华情况发表了非官方的讲话。
🚩harangue指“带有狂热情绪,或者偏见的,冗长的,高声激烈的讲演,目的在于劝说别人接受自己的观点或者批评听众的说教”,柯林斯解释为A harangue is a long, forceful speech that someone makes to try and persuade other people to accept their opinions.。
give a harangue to the troops before a battle 临作战时向士兵作慷慨激昂的讲话
🚩oration指“措辞讲究,语气庄重,有时候不免夸张冗长,面向大量听众或者在会议上的演讲,尤其作为仪式的一部分”,牛津词典解释为formal speech made on a public occasion, esp as part of a ceremony.。
a funeral oration 悼词
🚩sermon通常指“传教士或者牧师的布道”,柯林斯解释为A sermon is a talk on a religious or moral subject that is given by a member of the clergy as part of a church service.。homily指“宗教性质的演讲”,与sermon不同的是,homily“主要是从宗教的角度来训诫,说教”,柯林斯解释为A homily is a speech or piece of writing in which someone complains about the state of something or tells people how they ought to behave.。
a receptive audience for his homily on moral values乐于倾听他关于道德价值观的说教的观众
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