140组考研英语同义词 | 状况:State,Condition,Situation,Posture,Status


🚩state可以笼统地指“影响人或物的综合情况或者各种关系、条件、质量或特征的综合;还有心灵、精神上的状态”,柯林斯解释为When you talk about the state of someone or something, you are referring to the condition they are in or what they are like at a particular time.。
For the first few months after Daniel died, I was in a state of clinical depression.丹尼尔去世后的最初几个月里,我一直处于临床抑郁症的状态。
When we moved here the walls and ceiling were in an awful state.我们刚搬到这里时,墙和房顶都破旧不堪。
🚩condition指“现实环境影响具体存在”,与state意思相同;不同于state的是,condition强调产生影响的原因或环境,按时该影响持续时间较短。柯林斯解释为If you talk about the condition of a person or thing, you are talking about the state that they are in, especially how good or bad their physical state is.,用作单数名词,指“人或物的状态,状况”。
He remains in a critical condition in a California hospital...他在加州的一家医院里,病情仍然十分危急。
I received several compliments on the condition of my skin...好几个人夸我的皮肤保养得好。
Condition还解释为The conditions under which something is done or happens are all the factors or circumstances which directly affect it.,用作复数名词,指“某事完成或者发生的环境”。
This change has been timed under laboratory conditions.在实验室条件下测得了这一变化所需的时间。
The mild winter has created the ideal conditions for an ant population explosion.暖冬为蚁群数量激增创造了理想的条件。
condition还解释为The conditions in which people live or work are the factors which affect their comfort, safety, or health.,用作复数名词,指“生活或工作的条件,环境”。
People are living in appalling conditions.人们的居住条件极其恶劣。
He could not work in these conditions any longer.他再也不能在这样的条件下工作了。
condition还解释为The condition of a group of people is their situation in life, especially with regard to the difficulties they have.,用作单数名词,指“某一群人的生活状态,尤其指艰难处境”。
The condition of the people could be elevated by a programme of social reform.人们的生活状况可以通过社会改革方案得到改善。
The government has encouraged its people to better their condition.政府鼓励人民改善生活状况。
🚩situation尤其用于指“特定时间、地点出现的形势或者局面,其范围大小不定,但暗示其内在联系紧密,有针对性”,柯林斯解释为You use situation to refer generally to what is happening in a particular place at a particular time, or to refer to what is happening to you.。
Army officers said the situation was under control.陆军军官称局面已经得到了控制。
And now for a look at the travel situation in the rest of the country.现在再来看一下该国家其他地方的旅游情况。
She's in a hopeless situation.她已经无可救药。
🚩posture是指“为应付将要发生的事情而采取的态度,立场;或者受到某事物影响后的状态”,柯林斯解释为A posture is an attitude that you have towards something.,用法比较正式。
The military machine is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for action.军方随时准备由防御立场转向备战立场。
None of the banks changed their posture on the deal as a result of the inquiry.没有一家银行因为这次调查而对该交易改变立场。
🚩status常常指“人的社会地位、身份所处的状况,暗示其与法律、政治、经济等因素有关”,柯林斯解释为A particular status is an official description that says what category a person, organization, or place belongs to, and gives them particular rights or advantages.。
它还可指“事物在特定时间和条件下所处的状态”,柯林斯解释为The status of something is its state of affairs at a particular time.。
它有时候“特指某人具有的显赫地位、威望”,柯林斯解释为Status is the importance and respect that someone has among the public or a particular group.。
Bristol regained its status as a city in the local government reorganisation.布里斯托尔在地方政府重组过程中重新获得了自己作为一个城市的法律地位。
his status as a British citizen他的英国公民身份
The Council unanimously directed city staff to prepare a status report on the project.委员会一致要求市政府工作人员就该项目准备一份进度报告。
What is your current financial status?你目前的经济状况如何?
He has risen to gain the status of a national hero.他已被推崇为民族英雄。
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