140组考研英语同义词 | 故事:Story,Narrative,Narration,Tale,Anecdote,Yarn


🚩story是“故事,传说,它可以是口头的,也可以是书面的;可以是真实的,也可以是虚构的;强调一系列前后连贯的故事”,牛津词典解释为account of past events, incidents,或者account of invented or imagined events。
the Christmas story 圣诞的故事
the story of Martin Luther King 马丁·路德·金的事迹
stories of ancient Greece 古希腊史话
a fairy story 童话
a ghost story 鬼故事
an adventure story for children 给儿童讲的冒险故事
My father always used to tell us bedtime stories. 我父亲总在我们临睡前给我们讲故事。
🚩narrative是“故事,叙事,一般指真是的而不是杜撰的事情;它可以是古代的,也可以是现在的,但是应当有文艺作品的情节”,柯林斯解释为A narrative is a story or an account of a series of events.。它通常指“小说中一系列事件的记叙,叙述,讲述”,柯林斯解释为Narrative is the description of a series of events, usually in a novel.。它用法比story正式。
a fast-moving narrative快节奏的叙事
Sloan began his narrative with the day of the murder.斯隆以发生谋杀案的那天作为故事的开端。
Neither author was very strong on narrative.两个作者都不是很善于讲故事。
🚩narration是“讲故事”,它也可以指“故事”。作“讲故事”的意思,强调讲述技巧,如语速高低、快慢,情节抑扬,气氛张弛等。牛津词典解释为activity of telling a story,和story; account of events。
His narration is often sarcastic.他的讲述总是有点挖苦人。
🚩tale是指“基于历史事实,口头流传,也可以是是个的形式写成的传说,常常包含魔法或者惊险内容的故事”,科林解释为A tale is a story, often involving magic or exciting events.。它也可以是“对真人真事精彩的或夸张的描述,讲述”,科林解释为You can refer to an interesting, exciting, or dramatic account of a real event as a tale.。
a collection of stories, poems and folk tales由短篇故事、诗歌和传说汇成的作品集
Episodes 1 and 2 of Tales of the City will be shown together on Tuesday.《城市故事》的第一、二集将于星期二两集连播。
The media have been filled with tales of horror and loss resulting from Monday's earthquake.媒体上尽是星期一发生的地震所带来的恐惧和损失的报道。
🚩anecdote一般是指“生活轶事,一般比较幽默,有娱乐价值,有时候兼具教育意义,常常是一些名人的趣闻轶事”,柯林斯解释为An anecdote is a short, amusing account of something that has happened.。它也可以指“无根据的传闻”,柯林斯解释为Anecdotes are individual accounts of something that are not reliable evidence.。
Pete was telling them an anecdote about their mother.皮特正在给他们讲一件他们母亲的趣闻。
He has a talent for recollection and anecdote.他在记忆力和讲述趣闻轶事方面颇具天赋。
The image of the fox as a pest is grossly exaggerated in anecdote and folklore.狐狸的害人精形象在传闻和民间故事中遭到严重的夸大。
🚩yarn是“离奇的,不可信的奇谈,奇闻”,柯林斯解释为A yarn is a story that someone tells, often a true story with invented details which make it more interesting.。
Doug has a yarn or two to tell me about his trips into the bush.道格要给我讲几个他到荒野地区旅行的奇遇故事。
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