🚩opportunity是“有利于做某事情,并且几乎可以做成功的时机”,牛津词典的解释更容易辨析,是favourable time, occasion or set of circumstances,翻译为“良机”。习惯的搭配opportunity for/of doing something,或者opportunity to do something。用法比chance更为正式。
have/get/find/create an opportunity 有、得到、找到、创造机会
have few opportunities of meeting interesting people 难得遇上有趣的人
have no/little/not much opportunity for hearing good music 没有、很少有、不大有、机会听到好的音乐
a great, golden, marvellous opportunity to travel 旅游的大好、极好、绝妙时机
🚩chance是“运气”,牛津词典的解释是way in which things happen without any cause that can be seen or understood; luck; fortune,即“无任何可见到的或可了解的原因而发生的情况,机会;运气”。
它可能是possibility,即“一种可能性”,可以搭配chance of doing something,chance to do something,或者后面搭配同位语从句chance that…。或者是occasion when success seems very probable,即“机会,很有可能成功的时机”,这层含义相当于opportunity,但是不如opportunity正式。
trust to chance 凭机会; 碰运气
She has a good chance/no chance/not much chance/only a slim chance of winning. 她大有希望、没有可能、没什么希望、只有些微的可能获胜。
It was the chance she had been waiting for. 这就是她一直等待的机会。
🚩break也有机会的意思,是“满足心愿,或者成功的机遇”。柯林斯解释为A break is a lucky opportunity that someone gets to achieve something.,属于非正式用法。
He went into TV and got his first break playing opposite Sid James in the series 'Citizen James'.他进入了电视圈,获得的第一个机会是在连续剧《公民詹姆斯》中与锡德·詹姆斯演对手戏。