140组考研英语同义词 |累:Tire,Exhaust,Fatigue,Fag,Weary,Tucker


🚩tire是指“气力、体力、兴趣或者耐心减少,需要休息”。柯林斯解释为If something tires you or if you tire, you feel that you have used a lot of energy and you want to rest or sleep.,意思是“使疲劳,使劳累”;它还可以是“厌烦,厌倦”,柯林斯解释为If you tire of something, you no longer wish to do it, because you have become bored of it or unhappy with it.。
If driving tires you, take the train.如果开车觉得累,就乘火车吧。
He tired easily, though he was unable to sleep well at night.他很容易疲倦,可夜里却睡不好觉。
He felt he would never tire of international cricket.他认为自己永远不会对国际板球赛生厌。
🚩exhaust是指“精疲力竭,疲惫不堪;暗示某人体力、精力、或者精神等方面极度损耗,需要长时间休息才能得到恢复”,它与tire out意思相近,但是不如fatigue那么强。柯林斯解释为If something exhausts you, it makes you so tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left.。
He exhausted himself in the attempt.他因十分努力而筋疲力尽。
He took to walking long distances in an attempt to physically exhaust himself.他开始长距离步行,试图耗尽自己的体力。
🚩fatigue是指“使某人身体上或者精神上的极度疲劳,暗示由于紧张、疾病、过劳等造成的极度疲惫”,牛津词典解释为make someone very tired。
feeling fatigued感到疲劳
fatiguing work累人的工作
🚩fag是指“辛苦的工作使人感到疲倦,萎靡不振”,常用语口语中,牛津词典解释为make a person or an animal very tired,它偶尔也可以指“使动物疲劳”。习惯搭配fag someone or something out
Running soon fags me out.我很快就跑累了。
He was completely fagged out, i.e. exhausted.他完全筋疲力尽了。
🚩weary是指“长时间做某事情从而消耗了精力或者失去兴趣,失去热情,使人产生疲倦或者不耐烦的情绪”,语气比tire强。柯林斯解释为If you weary of something or it wearies you, you become tired of it and lose your enthusiasm for it.。
The public had wearied of his repeated warnings of a revolution that never seemed to start.他一再预警的革命迟迟没有开始,公众已对此感到厌倦。
He had wearied of teaching in state universities.他已经厌烦了在州立大学教书。
The political hysteria soon wearied him and he dropped the newspaper to the floor.政界的歇斯底里让他厌烦,他把报纸扔到了地板上。
🚩tucker是美国英语,是指“使某人劳累或者精疲力尽”,它意思与fatigue和exhaust相同,但又是带有呼吸困难的意味。常搭配tucker out,用于口语中。牛津词典解释为tire or exhaust someone。
I'm fair tuckered out. 我累坏了。
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