140组考研英语同义词 |变:Turn,Change,Convert,Transform


🚩turn当“变成,成为”的意思,总是与into或者from...to...搭配使用,柯林斯解释为To turn or be turned into something means to become that thing.。
A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale.在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。
He soon turned his dreams to reality.他不久便梦想成真了。
🚩change当“改变,变成,变换”的意思,也与into或者from...to...搭配使用,暗含的意思是“是状态或者形态发生改变”,并且change仅用于某物自然、自动或者如魔法一般发生的变化。如果是指人们经过努力或者用技能达成改变,或者环境改变某种情况,通常不用change。我们不说I manage to change the whole thing into a joke.,也不说A minor disagreement has changed into a major crisis.。柯林斯解释为When something changes or when you change it, it becomes different.。
We are trying to detect and understand how the climates change.我们正努力探寻并理解气候是如何变化的。
In the union office, the mood gradually changed from resignation to rage.在工会办公室,情绪慢慢从顺从转变成愤怒。
She has now changed into a happy, self-confident woman.如今她已经变成一个快乐、自信的女人。
Trees are changing colour earlier than last year.今年树木换装比去年早。
A changing world has put pressures on the corporation.日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。
🚩convert是指“使在形态、用途、系统上发生转变,转换,转化”,柯林斯解释为If one thing is converted or converts into another, it is changed into a different form.。它也常常指“改变旧建筑,使其适合人居住”,柯林斯解释为If someone converts a room or building, they alter it in order to use it for a different purpose.。
The signal will be converted into digital code.信号会被转变为数字代码。
naturally occurring substances which the body can convert into vitamins自然产生的能被身体转化成维生素的物质
a table that converts into an ironing board.能转换成熨衣板的桌子
By converting the loft, they were able to have two extra bedrooms.把阁楼改造一下,他们就可以多出两间卧室。
the entrepreneur who wants to convert County Hall into an hotel想把市政厅改建成旅馆的企业家
🚩transform是指“是外观或者性质发生彻底改变,尤其是变好,改善,改观”,柯林斯解释为To transform something or someone means to change them completely and suddenly so that they are much better or more attractive.。它也指“使形态发生变化”,与change和convert同义,柯林斯解释为To transform something into something else means to change or convert it into that thing.。
The Minister said the Urban Development Corporation was now transforming the area.部长声称城市开发公司如今正使该地区改头换面。
A cheap table can be transformed by an interesting cover.一块趣味盎然的桌布就能使一张廉价桌子面目一新。
Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy.新陈代谢率是身体把食物转换为能量的速度。
Delegates also discussed transforming them from a guerrilla force into a regular army.代表们还讨论了把他们从游击队武装改造为正规军的问题。
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