140组英语同义词 | 令人气愤的:Outrageous,Shocking,Atrocious,Monstrous...


🚩outrageous主要指“遇到对你个人来说似乎是不公平的事情,从而感到令人无法容忍的,骇人听闻的”;也可以指“违反是非标准,违反道德规范,令人发指的”,它的程度比shocking还要重。柯林斯解释为If you describe something as outrageous, you are emphasizing that it is unacceptable or very shocking.。
She thought it absolutely outrageous that he should be promoted over her.他竟然提升为她的上司,她觉得这无法容忍。
His treatment of his wife is outrageous. 他待妻子十分蛮横。
The price is outrageous, ie much too high.价钱高得吓人。
🚩shocking也可以指“违反道德标准的”,柯林斯解释为You can say that something is shocking if you think that it is morally wrong.。在这层含以上,与outrageous同义,比如,两个词都可以这么搭配:outrageous/shocking behavior(令人愤慨的行为);a/an outrageous /shocking act/waste/story/suggestion(和人听闻的行为、令人咋舌的浪费、耸人听闻的故事、极端无礼的暗示)。shocking里还有一层个意思是outrageous不具有的,即指“非常危险或者严重的情况”,柯林斯解释为You can say that something is shocking if you think that it is very bad.。
Today we reveal the shocking truth about heroin addiction among the young.我们今天披露年轻人服用海洛因成瘾这一骇人的真实情况(不能用outrageous)。
🚩atrocious是指“行为、行动残暴的,凶恶的,残忍的”,柯林斯解释为If you describe someone's behaviour or their actions as atrocious, you mean that it is unacceptable because it is extremely violent or cruel.;还可以指“质量糟糕透顶,水平极差,恶劣的”,柯林斯解释为If you describe something as atrocious, you are emphasizing that its quality is very bad.;它还指“天气恶劣”,柯林斯解释为If you say that weather conditions are atrocious, you mean they are very bad, for example that it is extremely cold, wet, or windy.。
The judge said he had committed atrocious crimes against women...法官说他对妇女犯下了滔天罪行。
The food here is atrocious.这里的食物难以下咽。
closed roads and atrocious weather: snow in the mountains, torrential rain elsewhere道路封锁,天气恶劣:山区雪花纷飞,其他地方大雨倾盆
🚩monstrous是指“情况或者事情极不公正,非常荒谬,错到令人不可思议”,柯林斯解释为If you describe a situation or event as monstrous, you mean that it is extremely shocking or unfair.。
It's absolutely monstrous to pay men more than women for the same job. 男女同工而报酬男多于女, 简直太不像话了。
She endured the monstrous behaviour for years...多年来,她一直忍受着这种骇人听闻的暴行。
🚩scandalous是指“可耻的,丢脸的”,柯林斯解释为You can describe something as scandalous if it makes you very angry and you think the people responsible for it should be ashamed.。还可以指“行为不轨,不道德,引起轰动,激起公愤,令人震惊”,柯林斯解释为Scandalous behaviour or activity is considered immoral and shocking.。
a scandalous waste of money挥霍金钱的可耻行径
He spoke of scandalous corruption and incompetence.他谈起触目惊心的贪污腐败和小材大用现象。
🚩deplorable是“不可接受,应该受到谴责”,用法比较正式。柯林斯解释为If you say that something is deplorable, you think that it is very bad and unacceptable.。
Many of them live under deplorable conditions... 他们中很多人的生活条件极其恶劣。
The Chief Constable said that sexual harassment was deplorable. 郡警察局长说性骚扰应受谴责。
