唐静140组英语同义词 | 性格:Personality,Nature,Character,Temperament


🚩personality是对一个人“人格,性格的总体描述”,尤其用来表述和别人相处时候的举止,如活泼还是安静,自信还是腼腆,快乐还是脾气暴等。柯林斯解释为Your personality is your whole character and nature.。
She has a very strong personality. 她个性很强。
She has such a kind, friendly personality.她个性善良友好。
influences which affect the development of a child's personality 影响儿童性格发展的因素。
Through sheer force of personality Hugh Trenchard had got his way.休·特伦查德完全凭着个人魅力就能随心所欲。
🚩nature是一个人的“天性,秉性,性情”,尤其用来表述某人一直具有的、惯常的行为举止;常常用来比较某人的惯常做法与法场行为。柯林斯解释为Someone's nature is their character, which they show by the way they behave.。
She trusted people. That was her nature... 她信任别人,这是她的天性。
He was by nature affectionate. 他生性温柔亲切。
It's his nature (=It's his natural reaction) to be kind to people. 他为人厚道。
There is no cruelty in her nature. 她心地善良。

🚩character是一个人或者集体区别于其他人或者集体的“品质,特性”,它与nature意思相近,但character更常用来描述人的道德方面的行为,是否诚实,是否固执等。柯林斯解释为The character of a person or place consists of all the qualities they have that make them distinct from other people or places.。
Perhaps there is a negative side to his character that you haven't seen yet...
What does her handwriting tell you about her character? 你从她的画法中看到她有什么个性?
His character is very different from his wife's. 他和他妻子的性格迥然不同。
The British character is often said to be phlegmatic. 英国人的性格常说成是冷漠的。
🚩temperament源于temper。temper是指一个人的“脾气,情绪、心情”,就是在某一个时间,面对某一件事情,一个人的情感反应。所以temperament也有这一层含义,即“面对某种情况,或者面对其他人,你反映出来性格,性情”,更多的描述的还是“情绪状态”。柯林斯解释为Your temperament is your basic nature, especially as it is shown in the way that you react to situations or to other people.。
His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties... 他容易冲动,经常因此惹麻烦。
She was furtive and vicious by temperament. 她本来做事就偷偷摸摸,心肠狠毒。
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