140组英语同义词 | 预见:Predict,Forecast,Foresee,Project,Foretell


🚩predict是“根据所得到的信息、知识、观点,或者凭借宗教、法术等力量进行预测”,柯林斯解释为If you predict an event, you say that it will happen.。
The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest... 最近的民意测验预测竞争将会非常激烈。
The earthquake had been predicted several months before. 这次地震早在几个月以前就发布了预报。
She predicted that the improvement would continue. 她预测情况将继续好转。
🚩forecast强调“依据所得到的信息并常常使用科学的方法进行预测或者预报”,朗文词典的解释更容易辨析,是to make a statement saying what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information that you have。
forecast a fall in unemployment 预测失业人数下降
forecast that it will rain tomorrow 预报明天有雨
forecast what the outcome of the election will be 预测选举结果
🚩foresee是“认为,期待,或者知道会发生什么事情,预见,预知,预想”,柯林斯解释为If you foresee something, you expect and believe that it will happen.。
The difficulties could not have been foreseen. 这些困难是无法预见的。
He foresaw that the job would take a long time. 他预见到做这件工作需要很长时间。
He could never have foreseen that one day his books would sell in millions.

🚩project常用被动态,是“规划,计划,预计”,它更多的含义是plan。柯林斯解释为If something is projected, it is planned or expected.。
Africa's mid-1993 population is projected to more than double by 2025... 预计到2025年,非洲的人口会是1993年年中人口的两倍多。
The government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entire year. 政府预测全年消费价格将增长5%。
🚩foretell是“提前说出,尤其是用一种特别的法力”,朗文词典的解释是to say what will happen in the future, especially by using special magical powers。它用法比较正式文雅。
prophets who have foretold the end of the world预言了世界末日的先知
The gypsy had foretold that the boy would die. 那吉普赛人曾经预言这男孩儿得夭折。
No one could have foretold such strange events. 谁也料不到有这些奇怪的事情。
🚩prophesy是“坚定的认为,凭借宗教或者法力预言”,柯林斯解释为If you prophesy that something will happen, you say that you strongly believe that it will happen.。
He prophesied the strange events that were to come. 他预言要有怪事发生。
They prophesied correctly that the Conservatives would win the election. 他们预言保守党人在选举中获胜, 果然不出所料。
She prophesied a bad ending for the expedition. 她预言这次探险结局不会好。
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