140组考研英语同义词 | 回忆起...:Recall,Recollect,Remember,Remind


🚩recall是re-call合成的,表示“唤起回忆”,它有一个内涵是“记得自己的事情,并且讲了出来”,所以它翻译为“回忆道…”可能更准确一点。柯林斯解释为When you recall something, you remember it and tell others about it.。它后面可以搭配名词、动名词、从句,也可以接who,where,when,how之类的结构。recall用法比较正式。
Her teacher recalled: 'She was always on about modelling.'...她的老师回忆说:“她那时老是说要当模特。”
Colleagues today recall with humor how meetings would crawl into the early morning hours...同事们现在回忆起会议总是慢吞吞地一直开到第二天凌晨的情景,都把它当作一番笑谈。
I can’t recall how to do it.我不记得如何做那件事情了。
🚩recollect是re-collect合成的,它的用法和recall几乎无异,如果硬要区别一下,可能在于其词根collect这个词上,它有“尽力、努力想起”的意思;并且可能recollect不一定是“说出来了,通常会说起来”。比如科林斯解释中就没有像recall那样有“tell others about it”,只是If you recollect something, you remember it.。
I recollect that you denied it. 我记得你曾否认此事。
Can you recollect how it was done? 你还记得是怎么做的吗?
recollect one's childhood, someone’s name 回忆起童年时代、某人的名字
Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected the doctor who used to be at the county hospital...拉蒙纳回忆起曾在乡村医院工作的那位医生时,言语中透着温情。
🚩remember是最常用的词,表示“记得,过去的事情依然记得,仍在记忆中,不必费力就可想起来”。柯林斯解释为If you remember people or events from the past, you still have an idea of them in your mind and you are able to think about them.。它可以搭配名词、代词、动名词、不定式、从句等,
I certainly don't remember talking to you at all...我当然完全不记得和你讲过话。
I remembered that we had drunk the last of the coffee the week before...我记得我们在一个星期前就把最后的那点儿咖啡喝完了。
I can remember where and when I bought each one...我记得每一件东西是在何地何时买的。
🚩remind是“提醒、使想起”,它的意思与前面recall,recollect,remember迥异。牛津词典解释为inform (somebody) of a fact or tell (somebody) to do something he may have forgotten,即“提醒(某人)注意某事或做某事”;和cause someb to remember or be newly aware of somebody/something,搭配是remind somebody of somebody/something,即“使某人回想起或意识到某人、某事物”。
So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met...于是她只是对他表示欢迎,并且提醒说他们上次见过面。
The note was to remind him about something he had to explain to one of his students.这张字条是要提醒他得向他的一个学生解释某件事情。
This reminds me of Christmas parties.这让我想起圣诞聚会。
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