140组考研英语同义词 | 结果:Result,Consequence,Effect,Outcome,Upshot


🚩result是“以前发生的事情导致的,最终出现或者存在的结果,后果,成效”。柯林斯解释为A result is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.。
She died as a result of her injuries.她因伤致死。
The farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost.农场被淹,最终收成损失大半。
The book is the result of 25 years of research.这本书是25年研究的结晶。
🚩consequence尤其是指“不好的影响,后果”,柯林斯解释为The consequences of something are the results or effects of it.。它常常用来谈论行动可能会产生的负面的结果,常与adverse,dire,disastrous,fatal,harmful,negative,serious,tragic和unfortunate等词连用。即使没有形容词修饰,consequences本身也按时负面的结果。用法相当正式。
Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail... 她的律师说她明白自己行为的后果,已有了入狱的心理准备。
An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security. 一场经济危机可能严重影响到全球安定。
🚩effect是“某一事情对另一件事情所带来的改变,影响,效果”,柯林斯解释为The effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing.。
Did the medicine have any effect? 这药有什么疗效吗?
Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescent's behavior.父母担心音乐对青春期孩子的行为所产生的影响。
Even minor head injuries can cause long-lasting psychological effects.即使是轻微的头部创伤也会对心理产生长期影响。
🚩outcome是“最终的结局,后果”,柯林斯解释为The outcome of an activity, process, or situation is the situation that exists at the end of it.。
a successful outcome圆满的结局
Mr. Singh said he was pleased with the outcome... 辛格先生说他对这一结果感到满意。
It's too early to know the outcome of her illness. 现在要想知道她病情的结果还为时过早。
🚩outcome与result的区别在于:result常常是直接导致的结果,因果关系明确;而outcome常常指某一过程完结时的结果,因果关系不太明确。如:Aggression is often the result of fear.(好斗的情绪往往是恐惧所致),这里不用outcome。另外,result往往表示事情发生之后的结果,outcome常表示行动或者过程可能产生的后果。
🚩upshot属于非正式用法,常常与定冠词连用the upshot。它是指“一连串时间的最终结果,意外的结局”,柯林斯解释为The upshot of a series of events or discussions is the final result of them, usually a surprising result.。the upshot常见于口语中,用于句首,尤其是短语The upshot of… is/was that…。
The upshot is that we have lots of good but not very happy employees... 结果是我们有很多优秀然而却不太快乐的员工。
So the upshot is we're going for lunch on Friday. 结果是我们周五一起去吃午餐。
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