140组英语同义词 | 保存:Save,Preserve,Conserve,Reserve,Store,Hoard


🚩save是“保存下来留作今后使用,保留,留下”,柯林斯解释为If you save something, you keep it because it will be needed later.。
Drain the beans thoroughly and save the stock for soup...将豆角彻底控干,并把滤出的豆汁留下做汤。
Scraps of material were saved, cut up and pieced together for quilts.边角碎料都保留下来,剪好后拼在一起做成被子。
🚩preserve是“保持,维持原状”,柯林斯解释为If you preserve a situation or condition, you make sure that it remains as it is, and does not change or end.。它还有“保护,保存,维护,以避免受到破坏的含义”,它“强调抵制破坏因素的想法”,柯林斯解释为If you preserve something, you take action to save it or protect it from damage or decay.。
We will do everything to preserve peace.我们会尽全力维持和平。
We need to preserve the forest...我们需要保护森林。
Conservation is an issue which gets a lot of attention these days — whether it means preserving old buildings, or protecting the environment.资源保护是目前备受关注的问题——不管它指的是对古建筑的保护,还是对环境的保护。
🚩conservation是“保存完好,避免受到损害、浪费、破坏等”,它尤其用于“对环境或者文物、艺术品等的保护,有时候甚至专门指自然环境的保护”,牛津词典解释为prevention of loss, waste, damage, destruction, etc.。
the conservation of forests, water resources, old buildings 对森林、水源、古老建筑的保护
wildlife conservation 对野生动物的保护
🚩reserve是“预留、留出”,柯林斯解释为If something is reserved for a particular person or purpose, it is kept specially for that person or purpose.。它也有“预定、预约房间、座位等的含义”,柯林斯解释为预约;If you reserve something such as a table, ticket, or magazine, you arrange for it to be kept specially for you, rather than sold or given to someone else.。
A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him.特地为他预留了一间带阳台的海景双人房。
I'll reserve a table for five.我要预订一张5人的桌子。
🚩store是“储存,存放,储备”,它柯林斯解释为When you store things, you put them in a container or other place and leave them there until they are needed.。
Store the cookies in an airtight tin...把饼干贮存在一个密封罐里。
Some types of garden furniture must be stored inside in the winter.有几类花园家具冬季必须存放在室内。
🚩hoard是“私藏,因为觉得比较重要,囤积”,柯林斯解释为If you hoard things such as food or money, you save or store them, often in secret, because they are valuable or important to you.。
They've begun to hoard food and gasoline and save their money...他们已经存钱并开始贮藏食物和汽油。
Consumers did not spend and create jobs; they hoarded...消费者并没有消费进而创造就业机会,他们把钱都存起来了。
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