
 no/little love lost 表示对彼此一点好感都没有,互相讨厌,彼此嫌恶,可以用这个结构:no/little love lost between+人。
There's no love lost between Bob and Bill.
They were polite with each other, but it was clear that there was no love lost between them.
 a piece of work 可以用来形容某人非常难搞,非常奇葩,非常讨人厌,a remarkably difficult, malicious, unpleasant, or objectionable person.
Our new boss is a real piece of work.
A: Her new boyfriend is a nightmare to be around! He's so bossy.
B: Yeah, he's a piece of work, all right. No idea what she sees in him.
 不好的事情+catch up with sb. 表示something bad you have done begins to cause problems for you,以前做过的不好/不对的事情开始出现不好的影响、不好的结果。
His lies will catch up with him one day.
All those late nights are really starting to catch up with me!
You might like to party all night long now, but all that drinking is going to catch up with you someday.