双语 | 偏远地区工作的人,工作时遇到过什么诡异的事?

Redditors who work at remote places like forest officers, oil rig workers, etc, what creepy things have you noticed while at work?
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TOP 10

Lorebeck521  ⬆15.6k
I spent some time in the peat swamp forests of Borneo studying wild orangutan. We would go into the forest very early around 4 am. 
One morning there was a clouded leopard on the trail we used to enter the forest. It was just crouched there watching us. 
We shouted, tried to act big, one of the indigenous people we worked with even took out his slingshot and shot rocks at it (he missed on purpose just trying to scare it off). 
It stayed there for a good 5 minutes watching us before it slowly walked into the thick brush off the cleared trail. 
When we walked by I shined my light to where it had walked to and could clearly see a pair of reflective eyes only 3 meters away crouched watching us pass. Creepy but also incredibly cool to see one in person for how critically endangered they are.

Lorebeck521  ⬆15.6k
它在那里看了我们足足有 5 分钟,然后才慢慢地走进小路旁的茂密灌木丛。
我们经过时,我用灯光照向它走过的地方,可以清楚地看到3 米开外一双反光的眼睛,它就蹲在那里看着我们经过。
TOP 09

ls1c-10  ⬆16.8k
I live on a ranch off of a quiet dirt road. Our distant neighbors (nearest house is about 1 mile away as the crow flies) have had issues with people stealing things out of their out-buildings and storage sheds in the area. 
It was also late in the year, so it was starting to get dark around 6PM. So as a result every time I would see headlights go down our road I would watch to make sure they weren't stopping on the property.
One evening I see a vehicle going very slowly down the road and come to a stop at the end of our driveway (about 120 yards from our front porch). The vehicle is parked right in front of a 60's pickup I have parked, so I think whoever it is might be looking to steal it, or just looking over the property. 
Whatever the case, I decide to put on a black coat and grab my rifle to go investigate. It's dark out, so I stay out of the headlights of the vehicle so I can get close. I can tell it is a white van, but I don't see anything else distinguishing about the van. 
When I'm about 50 yards away the van backs up and turns into our driveway. I freeze as the headlights wash across me standing in the middle of my driveway....and I see the reflective Fedex logos on the side of the van.
Needless to say the Fedex driver probably shit his pants as he suddenly sees a dark figure standing in the middle of a field, in the dark, holding a rifle. 
Surprisingly after I try to give a friendly wave and smile he continues up the driveway to the house, and I get to explain the situation and we both have a laugh.
So that's how I got to be the creepy guy in some Fedex delivery driver's story.

ls1c-10  ⬆16.8k
我住在一个大牧场,在一条安静的土路边上。我们“邻”居(最近的邻居离我们也有大约 1 英里的直线距离)的棚屋和储藏室经常有人偷东西。
当时是年底,6 点左右天就开始黑了,所以每当看到我们那条土路上有车灯时,我都会留意一下,确保他们没有停在我的牧场。
一天傍晚,我看到一辆车在路上缓慢开过来,然后停在了我们车道的尽头(距离我们门廊大约 120 码)。
这辆车就停在我的一辆 60 年代皮卡车前面,所以我觉得他们可能是想偷车,或者想看看我们的房子。
我离那辆车大约 50 码远时,它倒车然后拐进了我家的车道。当车灯照到站在车道中间的我时,我愣住了……然后我看到了货车侧面反光的 Fedex美国联邦快递的标志。

▶ pickup truck: 皮卡车
TOP 08

righteous_meow  ⬆17.7k
I do a lot of work out in the woods. 
Creepiest thing was finding some headless doves. I also found sticks arranged in circles and paint on the trees in the same spot. Not sure if it was part of a ritual or not, but that's what I saw.

righteous_meow  ⬆17.7k
TOP 07

[deleted]  ⬆17.8k
I was a field geologist in the Outback about 12 hours north of Adelaide. 
One day I was driving the truck and saw what looked like a flagpole sticking up in the middle of nowhere. I wasn't anywhere near a farm or anywhere else that people would be, so I decided to drive over and check it out. 
It was a dead dog fully impaled on a spike. Like, from butt to mouth. Took some pictures and had my boss call the cops, but for the rest of the assignment I was freaked out that some maniac was out there with me.

[deleted]  ⬆17.8k
我当时是一名野外地质研究员,在澳大利亚的阿德莱德以北约 12 小时车程的内陆地区工作。
TOP 06

riarum  ⬆22.9k
I used to do agricultural work, alone in a field for 10 hrs a day kinda thing. The pure amount of times I heard the sound of running and snapped up to see literally nothing there was horrific. 
I was convinced it was surely animals between the trees for a while but the weirdest moment was when I heard it loudly from a row of trees next to me and immediately ducked under to see the feet of whatever animal was running by and there was absolutely nothing.
I remember trying to stay calm and walking really fast to the toilet block and sitting in there for a good long while before I came back. I never thought I'd be so freaked out in the day time but there wasn't a soul nearby for quite a way and it really amped up my imagination.

bleached_spleen  ⬆15.8k  
As a prior deer hunter I can tell you that the thundering noises from a squirrel can sound like a herd of elephants when out in the woods while all is still and quiet.

riarum  ⬆22.9k
我以前做农业方面的工作,每天要一个人在田里工作差不多10 个小时。有无数次我听到奔跑的声音,但一抬头却什么也没看到,我觉得很恐怖。

bleached_spleen  ⬆15.8k  
TOP 05

imeuru  ⬆25.6k
I was on a boat sitting on anchor in a secluded bay in the early hours, in southeast Alaska a few years ago. 
I stepped outside for a smoke and all of a sudden I heard the most horrific sounds of a wild animal being murdered by another wild Animal. 
It went on for probably 10 minutes, I know it's just nature but man, I can still hear that sound in my brain and it haunts me.

imeuru  ⬆25.6k
声音大概持续了 10 分钟,我知道自然界中这种事情再正常不过,但我至今都忘不掉那个声音,已经刻在我脑子里了。
TOP 04

Snow_Cabbage  ⬆25.9k
I used to be a delivery driver, which doesn't sound very remote because it isn't. However, I did have to deliver to some pretty remote places. 
One time I delivered to a trailer park just barely inside our designated "delivery zone" and it was very dark and poorly lit. 
I leave my car running and keep the headlights and inside lights on to go deliver the pizza. 
Upon returning to my car, I sit down in the driver's seat and look up to see a creepy old man standing less than 3 feet from my side of the car. He was just staring. It was the equivalent of a jump-scare. 
I just started driving forward, had to do a u-turn to get out of the park. 
When I turned around the man was standing in the middle of the road, so I freaked out for a second before speeding around him only to watch him attempt to chase my car out of the trailer park. 
I put in my two weeks after that.

Theroadislifeco  ⬆8.7k  
You reminded me of something creepy that happened to me - I also used to be a delivery driver, but for a supermarket in the U.K.
A lot of our customers were in the middle of nowhere, and my last delivery of the night was a new customer I'd never been to before. I was already running late from all my previous deliveries and I was still trying to find this house at 10:30 pm, even though my shift was supposed to finish at 10 pm.
I'm driving around the narrowest of country roads with nothing surrounding me but dark fields and hedgerows, looking for anything that might be a driveway. 
I hadn't seen another car or person for miles. Then all of a sudden I hear a loud thud on the side of my van, like something was thrown at it. No trees or anything else around for something to fall from, and I remember it specifically hitting the side. 
I looked in my mirrors and out the window but there was nothing around me. Then it happened again... another thud on the side of my van.
I drove back to the supermarket so fast and told my manager that I couldn't find the place (I had spent 30 mins looking to be fair), there was no house where the listed address/postcode took me.

MotherofJackals  ⬆6.0k  
If there had been a house there they would have called and complained about not getting a delivery. So you know it was some kind of a set-up.

Theroadislifeco  ⬆5.1k  
That's what I thought, and I was never told that they phoned up to complain about their missing items and they were never attempted to redeliver. 
I think they were contacted to provide better directions to their address but were never heard from again.
The weird part is they had to place the order and pay for their delivery items first, and at the time the shop had a minimum spend of £60 for deliveries. So if it was a prank it was an expensive one.
Also, the only thing around for miles was empty fields, and the only place someone could have hidden was within or behind a hedgerow, so if it was a human they must've been hiding in a freezing cold hedgerow for over an hour since my delivery was supposed to be scheduled for 9:30 pm.

Snow_Cabbage  ⬆25.9k

Theroadislifeco  ⬆8.7k  
我本来晚上10点就下班了,结果10 点半我还没找到那栋房子到底在哪。

MotherofJackals  ⬆6.0k  

Theroadislifeco  ⬆5.1k  
最奇怪的是,配送之前他们需要先下单并支付配送费,而且当时超市规定起送费为 60 英镑,如果这是个恶作剧,那成本也太高了。

▶ hedgerow: 田边或路边的矮树篱,灌木丛
TOP 03

gooberplsno  ⬆29.2k
I've worked in Canada's north for a few years now in oil and gas.
It's pretty creepy when during night shift you realise a moose has just been standing at the tree line staring you down for an unknown length of time. Or finding bear tracks crossing the tracks you just made 5 minutes ago.
Honestly the silence of a snowy forest in the dead of night 100s of km away from anything is pretty spooky. 
When Your only contact to the outside world is a radio channel nobody's listening to, you feel pretty alone.

Windshield11  ⬆10.6k  
Might as well be in space.

ceaRshaf  ⬆12.8k  
In space bears can't kill you, so it's worse.

nobody5050  ⬆3.8k  
Moose are freaky man! Especially the screams, those things mess you up.

gooberplsno  ⬆29.2k

Windshield11  ⬆10.6k  

ceaRshaf  ⬆12.8k  

nobody5050  ⬆3.8k  

▶ moose: 麋鹿,驼鹿
TOP 02

I used to work in the Gulf of Mexico on oil rigs for years, and it may not exactly be creepy, but I found it really unsettling.
In deep, open water, the water itself is really clear, so everyone can plainly see all the tuna and barracudas hanging around the rig waiting for the onboard cook to throw off whatever food waste he needs to. 
Every once in a while a huge great white shark would swim up from underneath and snatch a tuna and it really took like less than a second. They're really scary.


▶ oil rig: 陆上或海底采油的石油钻台,油井设备,石油钻塔
TOP 01

VVilly D  ⬆43.0k
I used to work at a Boy Scout Summer Camp. Every week I had to take a big group of campers to a "secluded" spot for their wilderness survival badge where they had to build a shelter out of sticks, leaves, etc and sleep in it overnight. 
The spot was only about 1/2 mile from the main camp, but we took them a circuitous route that made it seem really secluded.
Anyways, on this one night all the campers had made their shelters, we had cooked dinner, and were all just sitting around the campfire. 
It was getting late, maybe 11:00, so I sent all the campers to their shelters for the night and started cleaning up the fire. That's when we heard in the distance what sounded like church bells. 
They were pretty faint, but myself and my fellow staffers could definitely hear them. 
They went on for about 30 minutes, ringing every 30 seconds, or so. We were all a little creeped out, as there were no churches or towns within 20 miles of us. 
After the bells stopped, though, the singing started. It was too faint to hear the words, but it sounded like church choir music, but a lot of people, and a lot more enthusiastic. 
Also, it was almost midnight at this point. The singing went on for well over an hour, sometimes quieting down until we almost couldn't hear it, sometimes getting so loud we thought it was getting closer. 
All of the campers were super creeped out, but I lied to them, telling them there was a church service going on in camp, and that there was nothing to be scared of. Eventually, at almost 1 AM, the singing stopped. 
I found out a few days later that there had been a large KKK rally only a few miles away that night, and that's what we had heard.

buttcheeseahoy  ⬆21.7k  
I'm more creeped out by the ending. I would prefer actual ghosts.

DJ_Micoh  ⬆13.7k  
Although depending on how long the ghosts had been dead, there's a pretty good chance they would be super racist anyway.

buttcheeseahoy  ⬆4.0k  
Pretty good chance, but not 100% chance. I'll still take it.

VVilly D  ⬆43.0k
后边过了几天我才知道,原来那天晚上几公里外有一个大型的3K党集会,我们听到的声音就是那边传来的。(KKK: 3K党,美国历史上一个奉行白人至上主义、极端种族主义的团体)

buttcheeseahoy  ⬆21.7k  

DJ_Micoh  ⬆13.7k  

buttcheeseahoy  ⬆4.0k  