
online shopper:网购的人
online shopping:网购
shopping online:网购
shopping app:购物APP
shopping platform:购物平台
online store/online shop:网店
log in/sign in:登录
recommended item:推荐商品
search bar/search box:搜索栏,搜索框
type in keywords:输入关键词
enter keywords:输入关键词
search results:搜索结果
search filter:/ˈfɪltə/ n. 搜索筛选,搜索过滤
product detail page:产品详情页
specification:/spesɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n. 规格,明细规范
comment section:评论区
reviews and ratings:评论和打分
positive feedback:好评,正面反馈
neutral feedback:中评
negative feedback:差评,负面反馈
shopping cart:/kɑːt/ 购物车
compare prices:比价
free delivery:免邮费,包邮
free shipping:免邮费,包邮
7-day unconditional return policy:7天无理由退货
check out:结账
discount:/ˈdɪskaʊnt/ n. 打折
coupon:/ˈkuːpɒn/ n. 优惠券,打折券
voucher:/ˈvaʊtʃə/ n. 代金券
order:n. 订单
ship:v. 邮寄,寄出
tracking number:订单、快递等的查询号码
monitor the delivery status:跟踪快递物流状态
parcel:/ˈpɑːsəl/ 包裹,快递
总计326个单词  文本难度:四级/B2
CET4 77.3%  CET6 0.7%  TEM4 78.0%  TEM8 0.0%
A1 47.5%  A2 17.8%  B1 23.1%  B2 7.3%  C1 2.6%  C2 1.7%

I am a regular online shopper. When shopping online, I open the shopping app on my phone and log in using my username and password. 
If I don't have anything specific in mind, I browse through the recommended items on the homepage. Otherwise, I use the search bar and type in specific keywords related to the product I am looking for. 
As the search results load, the app displays a variety of options. Sometimes I also use search filters to narrow down options by price range, brand, size, colour, etc. 
When I am interested in a product, I click on its image or title to go to the product detail page for more information. On the detail page, I carefully read the description and specifications of the product. 
Then, I move on to the comment section to read shoppers' reviews and ratings. Positive, neutral, and negative feedback from previous buyers offers insights into the quality of the product.
If I am satisfied with the product, I save it to my wishlist or add it to my shopping cart. Then I return to the search results page and see if there are other good options. 
I always compare prices and features of similar products in several shops and on different shopping platforms. I prefer stores that offer free delivery and a 7-day unconditional return policy. 
When I am ready to make a purchase, I start checking out. I review the items in my cart to make sure the quantity, size, colour, etc. are correct. I double-check the total amount and check for applicable discounts, coupons and vouchers before paying online. 
After the order is successfully placed, I can track the progress of the order on the app. Once a parcel is shipped, I receive a tracking number and can monitor the delivery status on the app. The parcel usually arrives in less than a week. Online shopping is very convenient. It has become part of my lifestyle.
我总是会比较多家商店和不同购物平台上同类产品的价格和功能。我更喜欢包邮和有7 天无条件退货政策的店铺。
①regular /ˈreɡjələ/ 在语境里的意思是happening or doing something very often,做形容词,表示“经常的,频繁的”,只用于名词前。中文说的“经常做某事”有时候可以写成“regular+名词”,比如“经常网购”可以说成regular online shopper(经常网购的人),“经常光顾某个店”就是regular customer(常客),“某物经常被使用”就是sth. is in regular use。
②filter /ˈfɪltə/ 最基本的意思是“过滤器,过滤设备”(可数名词)和“过滤”(及物动词),a water filter(滤水器),to filter water(对水进行过滤)。在电脑操作相关的语境中,“设置条件进行筛选”多用filter来表示,“图片滤镜,拍照滤镜”的英文也是filter。
③monitor /ˈmɒnɪtə/ 做及物动词,表示to carefully watch and check a situation to see how it changes over a period of time,仔细观察某事物一段时间内的变化动态,监视,检测。monitor the progress of sth.,观测某事物的进展。也可以做可数名词,表示“监测器,观测器”,a heart monitor(心脏监测仪),a noise monitor(噪音检测器)。电视、电脑等的“屏幕、显示器”也叫monitor。