Every morning I get up thinking I'll go to bed early tonight, but when night comes, I end up staying up late again.
I keep telling myself to go to bed early in the mornings, but come nightfall, I'm a night owl again.
I get up each day thinking I'll hit the hay early that night, but when evening rolls around, I end up pulling another all-nighter.
It's a daily struggle—I wake up determined to get an early night, but come evening, I'm back to burning the midnight oil.
I always have these grand plans of going to bed early, but it just never happens.
Every night I tell myself I'm going to get a full eight hours, but I always end up staying up late.
I keep telling myself I need to get more sleep, but then it's late at night and I'm wide awake.
Every night I say I'm going to go home early, but I never do.
Every day I tell myself I'm going to be productive, and every day I find a way to waste time.
Every year I say I'm going to be organized, but I always end up in a mess.