·1. be on your phone·
常用于口语,表示to be using your mobile phone to send messages, play games, look at the internet, etc. 在用手机,具体在做什么不明确,可能是聊天发消息,也可能是在看新闻,刷网页等等,很通用的说法。
例:He's always on his phone when we hang out.
例:These kids are on their phones all day long. They can't put them down for even a minute.
例:The teacher asked all the students to hand over their phones. She was sick of them being on their phones and not paying attention in class.
老师要求所有学生交出手机。她烦透了学生上课玩手机,不专心听讲。be sick of 表示to be angry or bored with something that has been happening for a long time,对一直发生的事情感到生气厌烦。
注意和另一个短语区分:sb is on the phone, 这个短语是表示to be talking on the phone,在打电话,在和别人通话。
例:He's been on the phone with his girlfriend for more than an hour now.
例:Who was that on the phone? The voice sounded familiar.
·2. play on your phone·
和中文“玩手机”结构最接近的说法,表示to use your phone for entertainment purposes like playing games or watching videos,用手机玩游戏、看视频等,做娱乐相关的事情。
play表示“玩”的时候后边直接加的一般是乐器 (play the piano)、球类运动 (play basketball)、游戏的名字 (下棋play chess, 捉迷藏play hide-and-seek) 。
“玩手机”玩的不是phone这个物件本身,而是手机里没有实体的App和功能,所以不说play my phone。手机是承载各种App和游戏等的载体,类似一个entertainment platform娱乐平台,所以加一个on,我们说在某个网站、微信等等平台和app上做某事,用的介词经常是on。
例:I always play on my phone for a bit before bed.
例:She spent hours playing on her phone this afternoon, watching videos and texting her friends.
例:Come on, don't just sit there playing on your phone. Help me with this!
·3. 具体在玩什么·
She was reading news articles.
She was reading a web novel.
她在看网文。web novel指在网上首发的小说,而不是直接通过纸质书出版。
She was chatting with her friends on WeChat all night.
He spent hours scrolling through Weibo and leaving comments on random posts.
他花了几个小时刷微博,随手给一些帖子留言。scroll /skrəʊl/ 动词,表示to move text on a computer screen up or down so that you can read different parts of it,上下滚动查看网页。
They were watching funny TikTok videos the whole time.
He was playing games on his phone to kill time.
She took some selfies and started editing them on her phone.
她拍了几张自拍,然后开始在手机上修图。selfie /'selfi/ 名词,“自拍照”。edit /'edɪt/ 动词,to make changes to text or data on screen,在屏幕上编辑修改文本或图片。
He was browsing shopping apps.
他在逛购物软件。browse /braʊz/ 动词,to look through a book, newspaper, website, etc. without reading everything,浏览。
They were catching up on entertainment news and celebrity gossip.
他们在追最新的娱乐新闻和明星八卦。catch up on sth表示to learn about the latest news or information about something,了解最新的信息和动态。
·4. 不要总是玩手机·
Don't be on your phone all the time.
Stop checking your phone so much.
不要老是看手机 (有没有新消息)。check your phone不是一直玩手机,而是查看有没有新消息新邮件。
Can you take a break from your phone?
能歇一会儿别老玩手机吗?take a break from表示to stop doing something for a short period,暂时停一下,休息一会。
Can you put your phone down for a while?
Put your phone away.