once in a blue moon
表示not very often,rarely,很少发生,不经常。blue moon“蓝月亮“简单来说是指一个月里出现的第二个满月,是一种比较少见的天文现象,大概每33个月左右发生一次。
My sister lives in Germany, so I only see her once in a blue moon.
A: Does the boss ever come to these meetings?
B: Once in a blue moon, maybe.
over the moon
表示extremely happy or pleased,非常高兴满意。
She was over the moon about/with her new bike.
He was over the moon when his favourite team won the World Cup.
reach/shoot for the moon
表示to set one's goals very high; to try to achieve something very difficult,定非常远大的目标,去做很难实现的事,有雄心壮志。reach for和shoot for都表示“试图实现(某个目标)”。
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
His parents always taught him to shoot for the moon when he was growing up - that he could be anything he set my mind to.
to promise someone the moon
表示to promise to give people things that you cannot possibly give them,为了赢得别人的好感和支持,向别人承诺一些你根本做不到的事,有点像中文说的“你要天上的月亮,我都能给你摘下来”,做出夸张的无法兑现的承诺。
这个短语里moon也可以换成earth (地球),world (全世界),表达的意思是一样的,情感色彩偏贬义。
My boss promised me the moon, but never gave me a raise.
He promised her the moon, but in the end, he couldn't even take her to dinner.
ask for the moon
表示to ask for something that is very difficult or impossible to get,提过分的、不切实际的要求,想要不可能得到的东西,痴人说梦,异想天开。
It feels like I'm asking for the moon whenever I ask the boss for a day off.
Five million dollars? She's asking for the moon, and she's not going to get it.
bay/howl at the moon
表示to waste time and energy on something that is impossible or unattainable,浪费时间精力去做不可能实现的事,提一些不可能实现的诉求等,就像对着月亮嚎叫一样白费力气。bay /beɪ/,howl /haʊl/,两个动词都表示“(狼、狗等动物) 嚎叫”。
You're looking for the perfect man and he doesn't exist. You're baying at the moon.
Good luck talking to the boss, but I think you'll just be howling at the moon. He's not gonna give you a raise after only a year on the job.
love someone to the moon and back
表示to love someone very much,用来对人表达无条件无限的爱,非常深情和温馨的一句话,不局限于情侣之间,家人朋友之间都可以。
这个句子出自一本儿童绘本Guess How Much I Love You,《猜猜我有多爱你》,小兔子在告诉大兔子它有多爱它,最后小兔子说:我爱你,一直到月亮那么高;大兔子回答说:我爱你,到月亮那么高,再绕回来。
You mean the world to me and I love you to the moon and back.
She always tells her kids, "I love you to the moon and back" before they go to sleep.
My sister lives in Germany, so I only see her once in a blue moon.
He was over the moon when his favourite team won the World Cup.
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
My boss promised me the moon, but never gave me a raise.
Five million dollars? She's asking for the moon, and she's not going to get it.
Good luck talking to the boss, but I think you'll just be baying/howling at the moon. He's not gonna give you a raise after only a year on the job.
You mean the world to me and I love you to the moon and back.