00 这一篇的“没素质”指在公共场所做一些影响别人的不文明行为,有点笼统,找不到百分百对应的英文说法 (有好主意的伙伴欢迎留言分享),下边的单词各有侧重,大家可以根据具体的行为槽点选用合适的单词。
01 gross, nasty, disgusting
/ɡrəʊs/, /'nɑːsti/, /dɪs'ɡʌstɪŋ/ 形容词,very unpleasant to look at or think about,“让人特别不舒服的,可恶的,恶心的”。
Cutting in line is such a nasty habit.
插队是一种非常不好的习惯。cut in line 美式英语,表示插队,英式英语里叫jump the queue /kjuː/。
It's so disgusting to let your kid pee in the elevator.
让小孩在电梯里撒尿太恶心了。pee /piː/ 非正式用语,口语里用,“撒尿”,正式专业的单词是urinate /'jʊərɪneɪt/,“排尿”。日常说自己要去洗手间可以用I need to go to the toilet/bathroom,比pee相对含蓄一点点。
Some people let their dogs poop on the sidewalk and don't clean it up—that's gross.
sidewalk /'saɪdwɔːk/ 美式英语,指路边的人行道,英式英语里叫pavement /'peɪvmənt/。
poop /puːp/ 非正式用语,口语里用,“拉屎”,英式英语里写作poo,正式专业的单词是defecate /'defəkeɪt/,“排便”。日常说I need to go to the toilet/bathroom就行。
02 rude, impolite
/ruːd/ /ɪmpə'laɪt/ 形容词,not polite and is likely to offend or annoy people,不礼貌的,让人反感的,冒犯人的。
Talking loudly during a movie is incredibly rude.
It's impolite to stare at people.
03 disrespectful, have no respect for others
/ˌdɪsrɪˈspektfl/ 不尊重别人的感受和利益,无礼的。
It's so disrespectful to push and shove in crowded places.
在人多的地方推推搡搡太不尊重人了。shove /ʃʌv/ 动词,指用手和肩膀很粗鲁地推挤别人。
People who jump the queue clearly have no respect for others.
04 have bad/no manners
manners表示polite ways of behaving in social situations,礼仪,好的行为举止,表示这个含义时一般用复数,无论是在说一个还是多个行为。
It's bad manners to speak with your mouth full.
That guy who spits on the floor has no manners at all.
05 inconsiderate, thoughtless
/ˌɪnkənˈsɪdərət/, /ˈθɔːtləs/ 形容词,表示not caring about the feelings, needs, or comfort of other people,不考虑别人的感受和需要,不为别人着想。反义词分别是considerate,thoughtful,“体贴的,考虑周到的”。
Letting your children misbehave in public without stopping them is so inconsiderate.
任由孩子在公共场合胡闹而不加以制止,是不为别人考虑的行为。misbehave /mɪsbɪ'heɪv/ to behave badly, and cause trouble or annoy people,胡闹,做一些给别人带来麻烦和困扰的事。
It's really thoughtless to walk your dog without a leash on a busy street.
在人多的街道上遛狗不拴绳是非常不妥的。leash /liːʃ/ 名词,“牵狗的绳子”。
06 selfish
/ˈselfɪʃ/ 形容词,caring only about yourself,“自私的,只顾自己的”。
Smoking where it's not allowed is just selfish.
Talking loudly during a movie is really selfish behavior.
07 irresponsible
/ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbəl/ 形容词,doing careless things without thinking or worrying about the possible bad results,做事情随随便便、不考虑后果的,不负责任的。
Letting your dog run loose in a busy area is such an irresponsible thing to do.
在人多的地段放狗乱跑是一种不负责任的行为。loose /luːs/ 形容词,表示“无束缚的,松开的”。
People who toss trash out of their car windows are so irresponsible.
从车窗往外扔垃圾的人非常不负责任。toss /tɒs/ 动词,指扔、抛一些比较轻的东西。
08 uncivilized
/ʌn'sɪvəlaɪzd/ 形容词,表示rude or socially unacceptable,“粗鲁野蛮的,不文明的”,英式英语写作uncivilised。
Littering in parks is uncivilized.
在公园乱扔垃圾是不文明的。litter /'lɪtə/ 动词,表示在公共场所乱丢垃圾。
Letting your kids scream and run wild in public is uncivilized behavior.
1. 插队:cutting in line; jumping the queue
2. 随地吐痰:spitting
3. 随地吐口香糖:spiiting/throwing gum on the ground
4. 乱扔垃圾:littering
5. 往车窗外扔垃圾:throwing trash out of car windows
6. 手机外放音乐/视频:playing videos or music out loud on your phone
7. 咳嗽/打喷嚏不捂嘴:not covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing
8. 人多的地方推推搡搡:pushing and shoving in crowded places
9. 盯着别人看:staring at people
10. 让孩子随地小便:letting your kid pee/urinate in public
11. 用完洗手间不冲水:not flushing the toilet after use/after you use it
12. 放任孩子调皮捣蛋不干预:letting your kid misbehave without intervening
13. 禁烟区吸烟:smoking in non-smoking areas
14. 在电梯等狭窄空间吸烟:smoking in elevators or confined spaces
15. 看电影或演出时大声讲话:talking loudly during movies or performances
16. 让宠物随地大小便然后不清理:not cleaning up/not picking up after your pets
17. 公共交通人多的时候一个人占多个座位,把包放椅子上:taking multiple seats or placing bags on seats in crowded public transport
18. 很不客气地和服务行业人员讲话:speaking rudely or using harsh tones with service staff